The Conclusion

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~Hannah's POV~

I learned something important about life.

You have to overlook your differences, and find the positives.

I found that out easier and easier; once I found things to do with one arm.

I ended up getting a prosthetic one a month after Bethany had first called, but I don't use it much. I wanted to be normal, but I wanted to embrace my differences. I really only used the prosthetic arm for recordings on the computer, that way I could still play with the guys.

Bethany and I kept in close contact, and every day she would tell me about another activity I could try. She even took me on a mission to Haiti.

The most important thing I learned is, people with a strong, kind mind, can be inspired by people just like them.

I've been inspired by so many people. Bethany inspired me the most, because she has done great things because of her arm.

What inspired me the most was the guys. Adam was the dad I dreamed of having, Winta was the most wonderful friend I could ever ask for, Rene was like the sister I had always wanted, Jason was like my brother, and Ian, Ryan, Mitch and Jerome would do anything for me.

And I would do the same for them.

All of them.

Without a second thought.

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