The Beach

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~Hannah's POV~

Once we settled into the hotel rooms, we got on our bathing suits and walked down to the beach.

Part of the beach was reserved by a resort, so they had a whole bunch of rentals available.

They had surfboards for rent, so I begged Adam to let me and Winta rent some.

"Fine," he gave us the cash, and we ran off to the station set up with surfboards.

"How many?" the guy at the booth asked.

"Two," I said, holding up two fingers.

"$60," the man told us. I gave him the money, and he passed over two longboards; beginner surfboards.

I handed Winta the white board with the blue swirls on it, and I kept the red board with the black swirls.

We paddled out, trying to figure out how to surf. I caught on faster than Winta. She fell over every time a wave rolled by.

I finally caught a wave, and rode it to shore. The guys were on the beach, pumping their fists in the air.

"Nice!" Mitch yelled.

I paddled back out to Winta, who was still trying to climb back onto the board from the last time she fell off.

This went on for an hour. I catch a wave, Winta falls off the board. I catch a wave, she climbs back on her board.

Finally, finally, Winta caught a wave to shore. When she started drifting away towards shore, something felt wrong.

I felt like I was being watched.

That's when I heard the cry from shore.

"HANNAH! GET OUT OF THE WATER!!! NOW!!! THERE'S A SHARK!!!" Mitch started waving his hands wildly, and Adam was screaming for me. Winta had already gotten to shore.

I started paddling wildly, and I felt a tug on my arm.

I knew what had happened.

I paddled harder.

I paddled on and on for what seemed like forever.

Then everything went black.

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