Good Morning

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~Hannah's POV~

I had trouble falling asleep, since I was so excited. Well, it was also hard when Ian and Adam were in the other room raging over the mini-game they were recording. Mitch and Jerome were recording too, but they had enough sense to use their "indoor voices."

"Shh, the children are sleeping," Jerome whispered jokingly. I heard Winta's door slam open, and I listened to stomping down the hall. "I will punch you square in the face if you EVER call me a CHILD again!" I heard Winta scream. I assumed she was warning Jerome, since he has been the one that referred to us as "children."

I heard Winta stomp back to her room, and another door slamming. I rolled over to look at the clock on my nightstand. My clock, which was decorated with Minecraft stickers- like pigs, zombies, endermen, and chickens- read 10:13.

I sighed, and rolled back over. I closed my eyes, and began to drift to another place...


I woke up in the morning, surprised to see I was still in my amazing bedroom. I felt like it had all been a dream, too good to be true. Like yesterday hadn't been real, and I would wake up in the orphanage once again. But it wasn't a dream... it was real!

I climbed out of bed and walked out of my room, into the hall. It looked like everyone was already awake, since all of the doors to their bedrooms were already open, and there were some voices downstairs.

I walked down the long set of spiraling stairs, going to the kitchen. The living room still had a pile of gifts, and wrapping paper covered the floor. I made my way through the sea of tissue paper and empty boxes, finally getting to the kitchen.

Winta and Rene were already sitting at the counter, drinking milk from plastic cups and eating Krispy Kreme doughnuts, straight from the box. Rene saw me and patted the stool next to her.

"Come and sit down, sleepyhead!" she exclaimed. I obeyed, and climbed onto the stool next to her. It was funny how hard it was to get up on the seat, judging on how I'm 5'1".

"How'd you sleep?" Winta asked.

"Pretty good," Rene replied, sticking her tongue out.Winta rolled her eyes.

"Not you," Winta shoved Rene slightly, but that was enough to make Rene fall off the seat, laughing.

"Fine," I answered. It felt SOOO good to be able to talk again.

"So, I guess you're feeling alright, now that your symptoms wore off?" Rene assumed.

"Never better," I said honestly, with a smile on my face. I looked around. "Where are the guys?"

"They went out to buy some new recording stuff. Then they were going mini-golfing, I think," Winta explained.

"They could've gone to the Apple store in the mall with us if they were going shopping," Rene thought aloud.

"Pshh, I think if they were dragged into a Forever 21 with us, they'd die!" I reminded Rene. We all laughed until our sides ached.

I reached for the doughnuts, and ate one between fits of laughter.

When I finished my breakfast, Rene led me over to the remaining presents, with Winta right behind me.

Winta reached down, and handed me a bag I recognized as the one she had brought with her last night when she came home.

"Open it," she demanded.

I peeled back the tissue paper, and dumped the content of the bag onto the couch. I noticed immediately that it was a t-shirt I had been looking for everywhere, for what seemed like forever!

It was a plain black t-shirt with a decal ironed on it. The decal was of a sheep, and bold white lettering read, "Sheep have families too. Shear for their wool, don't kill for it. Think of their families."

"Oh. My. Gosh!" I squealed. Winta smirked.

"Sorry, Hannah. I didn't know you'd hate it that much. I guess I'll return-"

"No! You can't touch the sheep! Think of it's family!" I hid the shirt behind my back.

We broke out laughing again, and I put the shirt on the couch next to me.

The next box was from Rene. It was another Minecraft t-shirt, but this time it was a pretty teal color, and one I hadn't seen before. On the front, there was a decal of a Steve riding a boat, and on the back, in black lettering, it said, "Ride da waves!" I put the shirt on top of the sheep one.

"Thanks so much, you guys," I said politely.

"There's one more thing," Rene said. She pulled out a medium size box, and said, "This is from Ian, but he wanted you to open it. Even though he isn't home," Rene explained.

I took the top of the box. Inside, there was a letterman jacket. The sleeves were black, and the part where you button it up was green, like a creeper. Where the letter should have been, there was a stone pickaxe. On the left sleeve, in grey letters to match the pick, were the words, "Pro miner and proud of it."

"THANK YOU IAN!" I yelled at the air, since Ian wasn't there for me to say it to him.

"Go get ready!" Rene ordered. I ran upstairs with my new clothes, and got ready to go to the mall.

I brushed my teeth, flossed, brushed my hair, and put it up in a messy bun. I wasn't talented when it came to hairstyles.

I went to my bedroom, where I had left my clothes, put on the sheep tee and jacket, black leggings I had brought from the orphanage, and my new Vans, that Ty had given me.

Rene knocked on my door, right as I was twisting the knob on it to leave.

"One more thing," she said. I opened the door.

She threw something, which I caught in mid-air. It was a pretty coral color wallet, that had silver embellishments all across the front.

"Thanks! It's gorgeous," I said.

"No problem, I thought you needed a place to hold all that cash and those gift cards you got last night," Rene told me. "Anyways, are you ready? Winta's in the car, and if we leave now and beat traffic, we can have an extra hour of shopping."

I nodded, put my things in my wallet, and put my wallet in my pocket.

We went downstairs and out the door. I sat in the back of the car with Winta, and Rene drove off, out of the driveway. It was only 8:27, and I had a whole day ahead of me.

(Author's Note: LONGEST CHAPTER EVER! Thanks you guys for 1.2k reads. You're the best!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this super long chapter!

Bai my little lions!

Join the pride today!)

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