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"So let me get this straight," Craig's emotionless tone bit out. "You want me to hang out with meth head, become friends, and then just leave him high and dry?"

Eric Cartman nodded, "Exactly!"

Craig leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "And why would I do that?" He asked.

"Well," Cartman began to retell his reasons as to why he wants Tweek to be messed with. "He spilt coffee on me and instead of apologizing, he just flipped out, twitched, and ran off!" Cartman griped, crossing his chubby arms.

Craig sighed, rolling his grey-blue eyes. "How much money am I gonna get?" He asked, grabbing his tea from his lunch tray.

"Money?" Cartman asked, confused.

"Yeah, I want fifty bucks to start with, sixty after I complete it, and twenty for every special request you make." Craig nodded along with his words, glancing at Cartman before looking at his tea.

Cartman sighed. "Fine, I'll have the Jew pay you when the time comes. I bid you good day," and with that the fat ass left.

Craig wasn't as prepared for this "bet" or what ever pathetic request this was as he thought he'd be. Not even the promise of money cushioned the blow.

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