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Tweek never really had a lot of friends growing up. There was that short period in fourth grade when Cartman's group talked to him for a bit, but that was only for a few months.

So imagine his surprise when he was minding his own business in his locker, only to turn to leave and be met with the chest of Craig Tucker.

"Hey, Tweekers," Craig mused, staring down at the snazzy boy.

Tweek twitched, blinking slowly while looked into Craig's eyes. "H-h-hi, C-gah-Craig," he awkwardly looked down while fisting his green button up.

Craig regretted saying yes to this thing, he really didn't want to hang out with meth head if this was how he acts.

"So, I was wondering what you're doing tonight?" Craig prompted, hoping meth head caught on.

But the whole thing blew right over Tweek's head.

"I-GAH have t-to, oh god, I HAVE TO GO!" He screamed, running off in a spazzy mess.

Craig sighed, crossing his arms. "What the fuck." He muttered, glaring in the direction Tweek ran off in.

"So Tucke-"

Craig flipped them off.

N O T E 

So no one reads notes but I just wanted to say thanks and that the rest of these chapters will hopefully be longer, I'm just super excited because I'm like, on a kick with this and can't find myself writing anything that isn't key to this whole plot.

But whoop, thanks a bunch

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