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"Hey, Tweek!" Craig called after the spazzy meth head as he walked home.

Tweek jumped at the sudden sound, becoming ten times more paranoid as he twitched, turning to see who called him, only to find a tall freak known as Craig Tucker.

"O-oh, h-shit-hi, C-crai-Craig," Tweek blinked fast, hands shaking as Craig approached him.

Tweek might of seemed calm, at least his version of calm, but he was actually pretty scared, more so than usual.

Craig awkwardly stopped in front of Tweek, pulling at his hat strings. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out, like, we haven't talked in awhile?"

Tweek picked up on the awkward nervousness of Craig, a huge contrast to his asshole-Ness he always is.

"W-we never-gah-talk," Tweek twisted his fingers together, looking up at him.

Craig subconsciously thought he was adorable like that, but honestly it was just his love for things that obviously can't survive on their own.

His love for innocence.

Craig slowly looked away, to a tree behind Tweek. "Oh, uh, yeah. Forgot." Craig awkwardly mumbled, glancing back at Tweek, who was now tugging at his hair.

"Uh, um, i-I, why a-are you-GAH-talking to, hnnn, m-me?" Tweek asked, yanking at his hair with wide hazel eyes.

Craig rushed for a reasonable lie to tell tweek, but when he went to say it-

"GAHA!" Tweek shouted, "TOO MUCH PRESSURE!" He screamed, dashing away from Craig towards their houses.

Dear god, slow down meth head, Craig thought, watching Tweeks back as he ran off.

So I'm back, I'm sorry for that. I was gonna update sooner but then my mom decided since dad has passed we needed some family time alone so we've been pretty busy trying to adjust to a fatherless routine. I started this whole book to talk about it with him because south park was something we shared an interest in, and I thought of ending it because what's the point now? But I'm gonna continue because he wouldn't of wanted me to stop and I actually enjoy this plot.

If you have any questions pertaining to the plot and direction this is going, inbox me. If there are any requests for future chapters leave them in the comments.

With all the love my sore heart holds,


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