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A yoogie is a fruit/vegetable yogurt chip that rodents like to snack on (from last chapter)


It all happened so fast. One second I'm just lounging, and the next I'm trying not to picture Tweek bent over my bed. Gagged and bound.

God that's so gay.

But an orgasm is an orgasm, no matter what gender brings it on.

And I really don't want blue balls from not getting laid this morning.

Tweek twitched as he looked at me, tugging softly on Ruby's old pajamas.

I have to admit, I was hoping to see him in my clothes, and even thinking of him sexually right now while he's in my sisters clothes is just weird. But his thighs look delicious in tight short shorts.

"I-if I enj-enjoy it?" Tweek stuttered, shifting slowly from foot to foot.

I shifted into a sitting position, staring at Tweek with heavy eyes. "Some people find biting to be hot," I muttered, slowly stepping off my bed. "Some find biting someone else hot." I stepping towards him, watching as he balled into himself. "I'm both of those people. Biting me is hot, me biting you, that's also hot." I hummed, finally breaching his personal space.

I let out the air I was holding into tweeks ear, watching his shoulders shake as I slithered my hands onto his abdomen.

"Doesnt that sound hot, Tweek?" I rasped.  "Me biting you, leaving trails of bruises down your neck," I sighed, sliding my hands to his bony hips. "You biting my shoulder to hide your sounds. Grounding your nails in the flesh of my back as I grind into you." I groaned, skimming my nose along his neck and lightly nipping his collar bone.

A whimper emerged from his throat, his body tensing immediately.

"Doesnt that sound hot, Tweek?" I teased, gently licking his throat.

Tweek gasped, finally gripping my bare shoulders. "Ye-yeah, yeah it-it does." He whispered softly, gripping a bit tighter to my shoulders.

I grinned, pulling him closer to my body. "If we do this, Tweek, you have to be sure to stay quiet for me." I murmured, pulling back to stare into his eyes. His hazels were bugged and dark.

"If you can't, then we'll have to find a way to gag you. You got that?" I asked, rubbing my thumbs into his hips.

He nodded slowly, eyes now flickering around in a quick panic. "We, we do-don't have to have-have s-sex, ri-right? I-i-Gah!-I can't do th-that!" He flipped a bit, starting to shake rapidly.

Though a total mood killer, it was also totally okay.

"We don't have to do anything you don't like, we'll keep it at your pace, but with my rules, okay?" I questioned, lifting my hand to his jaw. He nodded slowly.

"It's just, a lot of pre-pressure." He muttered, slowly tensing again.

I hummed, tugging him forward more, so our chests were plastered to each other. "Soon, it'll be a lot of pleasure." I chuckled, biting his chin softly.

We ended up on my bed, him spread and anxious while I just kneeled, watching his chest rise and fall. His thighs shifting to create any sort of friction he could.

He was like a goddes.

"You're right Daddy," flashed through my head.

The line from the dream I had awhile back sent a new wave of energy through me.

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