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Craig was pissy today, more so than usual.

First, Tweek ran off, then Clyde kept whining about some stupid show he likes, and now Cartman "requesting" his presence just ticked him off more.

"What the fuck do you want, fat ass?" Craig spat, stalking his way through the halls.

"Well, I have a twenty dollar request, of course!" The fat fuck chuckled, following after Craig.

"Oh really?" Mused Craig, "And what would that be?" He asked, stopping at his dingy locker.

"Fuck him."

Craig almost spit out his tongue.


"I said," Cartman sighed. "Fuck. Him." Cartman looked into his eyes. "In the ass, fuck him in the ass."

Craig turned to Cartman, fumbling over his words. "Why would-what the-no!"

"Oh but Craig, that's twenty more dollars!" Cartman taunted, putting his chubby hands on his chubby waist.

Craig did like the extra twenty, but anal? He didn't like anal.

"Dude, I don't even want to be near him, let alone fuck him. What the hell?" Craig flipped, gripping his hat.

"Dude, I want this to be big, just, become friends, fuck, and leave. He asks why? Tell him you hate him. Its simple." Cartman shrugged, pulling out a fifty dollar bill. "Heres the fifty, I'll give the rest once you complete it."

And then he walked off, leaving Craig to his own thoughts. Plus a fifty dollar bill he was planning on saving.

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