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"So Cartman, why were you talking with Craig the other day?" Kyle asked as he moved his food around his tray.

Cartman hummed, swallowing the burger he was eating. "No reason, kehl." He joked, taking another bite.

Kenny perked up at the mentioning of Craig. "Craig? As in Craig Tucker?" He wanted to make sure it was actually his Craig.

Stan nodded, stealing a fry from Kyle. "Yeah, and I really want to know why fat ass over here was talking with the baseballer." Kyle nodded at what Stan said, jabbing his rib with his elbow.

Cartman sighed, setting down his burger that he obviously wasn't going to be eating. "I asked him for a favor, he shrugged, looking back an forth between them.

Kenny leaned in closer to Cartman. "What kind of favor?" God I hope its not something sexual, he crossed his fingers.

Cartman shrugged taking a bite of his burger. "I want him to fuck the twitchy kid," he got out with a mouth full of food.

Kenny froze. He what! "Fuck. No." Kenny growled, standing up in a fit of rage.

Kyle and Stan gasped, Cartman snickered. "Whats wrong, lover boy? Angry are we?"

"Suck my dick, Cartman!" Kenny screamed, stomping off in a different direction.

So this is super fucking short, but next one will be 10x longer.

Just joking, that's soooo much work. It'll be longer though.

I'm thinking of starting a Bunny fic, you think I should go for it?

-Kenny McBoremick

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