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Ya boi is sick af, so I'm writing this chapter sitting on my couch and thinking of Nitori in that tight Speedo he wore that one time.


Today we were supposed to get assigned new lab partners in chem, since Damian skipped town and Clyde couldn't stand being with Bebe anymore since she cheated on him.

But, to everyone's dismay, our hag of a teacher decided to just toss Pip, Damians old lab partner, and supposed boyfriend, around with whoever was missing a partner.

Which works, yeah, but I've been paired with Stan for two years now, and if I hear one more thing about Kyle, I'm going to force them on each other myself.

"So, Craig?" Stan spoke up as he buttoned up his lab coat.

I sighed, glancing at him from my crouched position in our lab drawer.

"Yeah, Marsh?" I grumbled, grabbing our water tub and a 50ml beaker.

"How, how is Tweek doing?" He fiddled with the test tubes as I set everything on the counter.

"Why do you wanna know?" Why would Stan marsh give a shit about Tweek?

"Well," he hummed, picking up the acid bottle from the tray going around the room. "I just, cartman said he bet you moneh on something, and i know you will do it." He shrugged, glancing at me. "Tweek is a good guy, Craig."

I sighed, setting down the acid filled beaker that I was messing with.

"If you're going to sit here and be little me for wanting to make some cash, then stop." I snapped, causing him to flinch and lay off.

Chem went well after that, even when pip started crying and almost knocked over the acid tray onto his partner for the day.

The anger over Stan's words didn't fully set in until lunch time when I placed myself between Clyde and token.

How dare he sit there and lecture me over hurting someone, when four years ago all he fucking did was hurt Kyle? You can't make out with your "girlfriend" in front of someone you know for a fact likes you, just because you're scared of being gay.

There's a lot of things you don't/shouldn't do. I can't really speak I guess because I hurt people to, but I didn't try butting in on his business, now did i?

"Hey, Craig? Why is underpants boy staring at you?" Clyde spoke around a mouth full of his taco "salad".

Token glanced to the side, following clydes finger that was stealthily pointing in tweeks direction.

"He looks different today," token commented, munching on his bag of chips quietly.

I shrugged, glancing at Tweek across the room. He was looking at me, but it was more a spaced-out look.

Butters giggled as he sat his hello kitty lunch box down. Jimmy following him.

"Looks like craigy has a L-O-V-E-R, lover!" Butters sung sarcastically, winking at me.

I rolled my eyes, picking at my actual salad. "He's just a fag, but eh, we hang." I mumbled.

"How much money is cartman taking from Kyle for this whole thing again?" Butter asked, taking out his strawberry milk and peanut butter sandwich.

I assume that Kenny told butters about the bet. Seeing as how butters practically sits on him every time he's around and Kenny can't keep his mouth shut about anything.

I shrug, "a good three to four hundred if i do it right."

Jimmy choked on his milk. "Th-that much?" He sputtered, coughing a bit.

"Well yeah, I'm an expensive man. But not a word about this to anyone, you hear me? I want the money and Tweek can't know." I hissed, giving them all a glare to enforce my words.

Token sighed, shaking his head. "Its going to go bad, remember the whole K-" Clyde shoved his hand over tokens mouth, humming quietly to shush him.

"Don't get carried away, is what he meant to say, Craig. Take some common sense in with you." Clyde muttered, dropping his hand.

I flipped them both off.

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I'm not to happy with this, but oh well.


What do you guys usually do when you're sick?

I usually just read, and I guess I watched a lot of Free! These past few hours.

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