
"Gah, C-craig!" I gritted, fumbling my hands as he laid me down roughly on his bed. "That h-hu-hurts!"

Craig huffed, plopping down next to me. "Yeah, I know. My balls hurt too. Soon they'll be blue if you keep this up." He snapped, crossing his arms and flopping back.

Craig was so kind the other day, what happened to him?

Well, Tweek, he's now acting like craig. The real craig.

"Gah! Ow-owww" I hissed, shifting my shoulder slightly as the bed bounced.

Craig sighed again, seeming to hesitate before stretching a hand to me. I refused it, not sure if it was for pain or out of kindess.

Craig let it drop after a minute. "Tweek, I'm sorry. But i can't take care of you all the time. I have my own stuff to do." Craig muttered, shifting to sit up.

"I'll fix you up, since this is probably my fault, but just this once. Okay?"

O-gah-okay, Cr-Craig." I stuttered, gathering my loose emotions back into my body.


After Craig patched me up his mom came in bearing bad news.

"A snow storm hit Colorado and is due to hit us in the coming hour. It's best if you just stay here, Tweek,"

Which wouldn't have been all too bad, if she hadn't of recommended me borrowing Ruby's clothes to sleep in, and saying it's fine to bunk with Craig.

I'm gay! This isn't fine!

"Yes, mrs. Tucker," I hummed, lowering my head while taking the clothes.

I slowly trudged my way back to Craig's, purple pajamas held tight to my chest.

"So, my boxers and shirts aren't good enough?" Craig teased, lounging on his bed.

I shrugged, twitching slightly as I slowly started to unbutton my top. "I gu-guess not-not." I muttered.

Usually I'd be to tally freaked by stripping my shirt off in front of someone else, especially someone hot like Craig, but at this point I'm just done.

I slipped my shirt off and started to unbutton my pants, only pausing when Craig groaned in seemingly pain.

Glancing up, I noticed his eyes were now screwed shut.

"C-Craig?" I asked stepping forward cautiously as I left my pants unbuttoned and half zipped.

"Tweek, Tweek dear god," he huffed, glancing up at me from his spot. "Don't just strip like that,"

I stopped, raising a confused brow. "Why not?" I thought he'd be okay with it, after all he legit just practically washed all the blood off me.

"It's like waving a yoogie in front of spot, rude and ridiculous. You'll get your finger chopped off." He rolled over onto his stomach, smothering himself in his comforter.

I hesitantly unzipped the rest of my pants, sliding out of them. "Are you s-sa-aying you'll bite m-me?" I asked, picking up the pajama set to shimmy my narrow hips in.

I watched Craig's back tense, his muscles shift. "Do you want me to?" His voice was slightly muffled, but clear as day.

Did I want him to?

I hummed, twitching as I pulled at the tight purple shorts. I've never been more glad to be relatively hairless.

"It-it'd hu-hurt to be bit," I stuttered, sliding the shirt on as he twisted to look at me, his hat sliding off his head.

"Not if you enjoy it."


Hello, hello, hello. It's ken! I'm so excited to actually have something planned for this book, dear god Ii lost sight of the plot so long ago.

I'm shook af to realize that I have like, 9k views!? Wtf? When?

I love you guys so much! Thank you!


Do you guys like kids?

I babysit and the one boy that I watched today told me he didn't like seeing me and that I put him in time out for five years and not minutes.

I like kids, just not one's that aren't related to me.

- A good feeling gay boy Ken

P.s. you ready for some gay sex!?

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