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Craig was getting nowhere with his mission to woo Tweek. And he was annoyed with it.

"How am I ever going to be able to fuck him, if I can't even spend longer than a minute with him?" He grumbled, petting his guinea pigs head.

"Craig!" His mother's voice hollered from downstairs. "You have a friend here!"

Craig cursed as he sat up, cuddling his guinea pig to his chest. "Sorry spot, I'll be back in a sec," he muttered, carefully putting spot in his cage as he squealed in dislike.

"Craig Tucker! Get your fucking ass down here!" Craig's mother shouted again.

"Coming!" He yelled back, rushing down the stairs to the houses greeting room. To an awaiting Tweek Tweak.

Craig was surprised, Tweek is here?

"So uh," Tweek twitched. "I-I just wa-want to-to talk," he spit out, staring at the floor in panic. "But! If-if you do-don't want to, th-that's fine, t-too." He added, fiddling his thumbs.

Craig was surprised. "No, no, I'd like to talk. My room?" Craig offered, gesturing to the stairs.

"S-sure." Tweek muttered, following Craig up the stairs, praying to God not to trip and fall.

Craig stepped into his room, leaving the door open for Tweek to come in.

"So," Craig spoke up as he took spot out of his cage again. "What did you want to talk about?" Craig glanced at Tweek, noticing his stare was stuck to the small plain black rodent in his arms.

"Oh um," Tweek fumbled for an answer, "I-I wanted to kn-know why you've sud-suddenly taken an in-interest in-in me?" Tweek twitched violently, cringing afterwards.

Craig was stunned. He didn't stutter that much. Wow. "Well, uh," Craig shrugged. "I just, decided I'd see what you were like. I want to be friends." Craig stated, petting spot. "Or, maybe more." He muttered cooing silently to his guinea pig.

Tweek squealed at those words. Tripping on nothing and falling onto Craig's bed face first with his knees resting on the ground.

Craig chuckled loudly, looking Tweek over. Didn't even have to tell him to bend over, "So, meth head," Craig said after he stopped chuckling. "What do you say?"

Tweek mumbled into the sheets, twitching every few seconds.

"Can't hear you, druggy!" Craig joked, sitting beside Tweek and setting down spot on the pillows.

Tweek turned his head to the side, starring up at Craig. "If you q-quit making dr-drug jokes, I'll give it a-a try." He muttered.

Craig stared down at Tweek. "I suppose we can make a compromise." He hummed.

"A-a comp-compromise?"

Craig nodded, "You-" he pointed at Tweek, "come here-" he pointed to his bed, "every Wednesday, and I'll stop the drug jokes."

Tweek nodded, sticking out a shaky hand. "D-deal."

Craig shook his cold, shaky hand with a smirk.

Money in the bank.

Holy fucking moley, longest one in this story. Whoo boy.

Enjoy you're day/night/whatever it is.

-Kenny (my new nickname in this dairy state)

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