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It has been a long fucking trip, guys. Whoo boy, I'm sorry for the disappearance.

I never realized how much I sucked at school until I found out that chem is something I'm never going to pass and geometry is just a load of shit that I'll never need for an art degree, but I'll need it to get there for sure.

Thanksgiving break is upon us, thus time to actually breathe and write something that isn't bullshit to keep the story going.

I'm not going to lie, writers block has had me in its clutch for awhile, but its been gracious enough to let me go, and I'm hoping for some good stuff, who knows.

I've been grasped by some other fandoms so I'm having trouble filtering through all my ideas to focus, but SP is always going to hold my heart.

Expect something soon guys, sorry for the long wait! XOXO

Question for you guys:

What are your plans for thanksgiving? Everyone has different traditions and I'd like to know yours?

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