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"Craig, I need you to hurry the fuck up."

It's been three days since Craig told me he messed around with the meth head, but three days too long.

"Yeah yeah, I'll screw him when he decides being super glued to butters waist is boring. He hasn't talked to me since he left my house at God knows what hour after we fooled around." Craig bit out, angirly grabbing his milk carton.

I sighed, gripping my hair tightly. "I'm $180 in already Tucker. There's only so much my Jew friend will give me while I pester him. Finish it soon, got it?"

"Like I said, fatass. When he looks at me." He spit out, walking off to sit with his "crew"


Tweek was my only friend for years, knowing that Craig was after him was making me feel protective of him. Him just wanting to stay by me was comforting too.

"Wh-why isn't Ken-GAH-Kenny sitting with, hng, you?" Tweek asked, swishing his juice around slowly. I hummed, forking my salad angirly.

"He slept with Bebe last night." I rolled my eyes, glancing over to the girls table, seeing Kenny perched beside her. "Doesn't want to ditch her and lose the good lay." Tweek twitched, giving me his sorry hazel eyes.

"Craig's the-Gahn-same way." He shuttered. "He tr-tried to ban-bang Bebe too. But in-instead he-Hng- "did" m-me." Tweeks body convulsed heavily, practically jerking out of his seat.

That was news, I didn't think Craig liked dick. "Tweek. I," Tweek cut me off.

"I-i know. I'll, Gah, be car-careful." He hummed, Shrugging. "I-i think he likes me." He added, glancing around the room.

I sighed, placing my hand on his shoulder. "Hed be blind not to."


Woah! I'm off hiatus! But I'm sick af so we'll see lol.

This is where it gets good! Trust me. I'm gay.

Anywhoo, question of the chapter-

What is your least favorite food ever? And not something you're allergic to, but just something you don't like, at all.

I don't like onions texture, or mushrooms. Fish is gross, and ground beef only in a sauce or burger, just sometimes. I also can't eat eggs withought gagging, but I like the smell of them. Idk, I'm weird man.

-AA very, very tired Ken.

Any questions on the prompt book? Leave them here!->

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