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Fatass was stupid if he thought Craig Tucker would actually do what he was asked to.

Ten years of knowing Craig and I knew that he was not the bad ass he swore to be.

"So, Kenny, why are you so bent on the whole Craig and Tweek thing?" Butters muttered from his spot on my dingy mattress.

Butters and I became friends a few years back, when he finally realized what a pussy he was and how cool I was. Exactly a year after everything went to shit for me.

"It just does." I snapped, flicking my useless lighter on and off. Why did he have to fucking know everything? What's it to him?

Butters sighed, leaning forward a bit to grasp my chin. "You have to stop being so rude."

Butters changed a lot since we were kids, I don't even know how he was able to.

"I'm not fucking rude, jackass. You're just a weak bitch," I muttered, yanking at my hair roughly.

This whole thing was stressing me out. Craig and Tweek were going to end up as friends, it's fucking inevitable. And Craig doesn't like staying just friends the whole time. They were going to actually get together, Craig's going to date the crack whore's son and then use him like a condom. Literally. And Its tearing me the fuck up.

Butters snapped his hand back, flinching slightly at my tone of voice. He was tough now, but only when it came to people he didn't know as well as we knew each other. I knew I hurt him all the time, but its not like we're going to be friends forever. Nothing lasts forever.

"Well," he hesitated. "Okay." He stood up slowly, pulling his shorts back down to the middle of his thighs, fixing his shirt also. "I'll just, just go now." He hummed softly, gathering his school stuff.

He avoided the hoodie I gave him completely, as if I'd be mad if he took it with him. My gut sunk a bit as I noticed his tense movements.

"Gah, butters," I sighed, about to get up to stop him.

"No," he stuck out his arm, blocking my way to get up. "I get it, I understand." He sighed heavily. "The dude you like, likes someone else, and you don't know how to deal, I get it." He chuckled softly. "I wouldn't want a whiney kid around while I'm dealing with it either, but since I'm lucky enough to not have that, I'll just help you out."

"Butters, c'mon, you know I didn't mean it that way, stop!" I tried to yank him back but he side stepped me quickly.

"The hoodie is clean, and it has that cologne you like on it, so no need to wash it." He gestured to the hoodie I gave him.

He was already out of the house by the time it all sunk in to me. It happened so fast, so quick, I don't get how it even started.

If we were being honest, it began the moment this stupid thing started two weeks ago, if snapped at him so much that I can honestly see why he left.

But why does it feel like when Craig left?

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Hey, so this is kinda like a snip-it for the plot. It's pretty cliche so you've probably already got it down, but oh well, there's so much more to reveal in due time. It's also foreshadowing I guess, which you guys probably are already grasping to.

Question of the chapter

Who is your favorite character of all time in south park? Or your multiple favorites?

I've always liked Craig on a personal level, but its hard for me to choose because I just love all my boys so much.

-The, for some reason, sick boi Ken

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