Chapter 1 - The Beginning★

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Hi~~Okay, I haven't thought of a name for this yet but I'm thinking which name should I put it... ヽ(´▽`)/ and this is my first work to be honest
random person A : it's obvious duh. +︿+
Author : I know (´・_・') but I want to make it more obvious hahahaha *ba dum crash * hahaha.... No?  (°v°|||)OK... *mumbles: I really need to stop speaking..... *Anyway..... I hope you guys like it~ Im open to requests or even some advice from you all.

Author's disclaimer : it's my first time so I'll try my best to write it and it might suck.... A lot. (●´・ω・)ノ
(★w ★) Oh yeah~~ Dipper will appear on Chapter two or Three I guess sooooo... Be patient and have teaOr coffeeOr anything u guys wanna. (☆w☆)🍵☕



"Hey, (y/n) want to talk to me?"  (Friend's name)  asked you as you took her to a place where you guys can talk alone.  "Yeah.... You know... I-I... Been avoiding (crush's name) lately..... And I don't even know why.... " you mumbled with guilt.  "What....?! Why?! (Friend's name *f/n for short* ) asked you with shock. "I DONT KNOW... "you said sadly. "Oh.... About that.... I have something to tell you.... " (f/n) said to me softly.  "What is it?" You replied curiously.  "It's about (crush's name)..... I asked him if he has feelings for you... He said that you guys are just friends. And I asked will he accept IF you confess to to him..... " (f/n)  spoke softer and softer. "....and?  What did he said?  " you asked. "He said...... He would reject.... He doesn't want to be in a relationship yet.... He  just wants to be friends with you...." (F/n)  replied.

You felt a sharp pain in your heart.  Ouch, friend zone.... The worst way to end this feeling... You tried to get all your feeling for him out. It became quite easier than you thought since (crush's name)  has been very cold to you lately.  But as you we're doing that,  you found out that (crush name)  and (f/n)  has been much more closer than you expected.(since you have a low profile and anyone barely notices you and you doesn't speak much) To be honest, you felt very jealous. Unable to see that anymore, you begged your parents to  let you move far away from the city you lived in. Finally, your parents had no other choice but to agree since you keep bugging them 24/7.

So,  you left without telling your classmates quietly to a place you found on the internet named "Reverse Falls".

Okayy ~how was it? It's kinda short tho.... Don't worry!  It'll be longer the next chapterMy English is not that good since I'm Asian actually. You guys can tell me when you guys spot some language mistakes.  ありがとうございます~~  I'm not Japanese by the way. I'm just learning Japanese at the moment.  I still suck at it tho.... Anywazz~ this is the end of the chapter. I really hope you guys like it  ヽ(´▽`)/


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