Chapter 5- Starry starry night★

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After the show that you find it breathtaking, You were already getting ready to leave the telephy tent and back to your amazingly furnished home. "Y/n! "You heard a familiar voice called out to you. As you turn around, you saw Dipper walking towards you. "How was the show? "Dipper asked as he stops in front of you. "It was absolutely amazing! I loved it! " you replied. "Thanks! It was nothing though. "He said while smiling as he received a satisfying reply from the (e/c)  girl. "Umm.... Hey, do you have a moment? I'd like to show you something cool" he said awkwardly. "Umm.. Sure. "You replied, wondering what is he going to show you. "Then come with me~! "Dipper said happily. You nodded and you followed him. "But first, can I blindfold you? I'd like to make it a surprise. " the blue coloured eye boy said. Since you like taking risks, you nodded with a smile.

You walked slowly as he walked in front of you leading the way while holding your hand. As he stopped walking, you stopped too and felt a cool breeze blowing towards your face. He slowly let go of your hand, went behind you and removed the blindfolds. "Oh my gawdd! "You gasped as you saw the sky filled with stars. You can also see the whole Reverse Falls. "It's so pretty..... " you mumbled in amazement. "Like what you see? "Dipper asked while smiling gently at you. "It's so beautiful..."you replied while smiling happily at him.

Dipper's  pov
What a pretty smile... I never seen her smiling like that before. Come to think of it.... She did arrived here not long ago.... The moon shines on her, she's like an angel of the night.... Makes me want to be someone important to her....

Your pov
The sky is so pretty! I've never seen anything like this before. The air up here is refreshing too. Huh?  Dipper looks so gentle and hot like this..... Wait.... What am I thinking?!  What is this feeling I'm feeling?! Who can tell me what feeling is this.....?

Whooooo~hey everyone~ sorry for not updating this sooner
~ = ̄ω ̄= 
About this chapter, I actually enjoy typing this chapter since i really like the night sky. It makes me happy just by looking at it~ •w• and I'm sorry since this chapter is kinda short... _(._.)_

See you guys in the next chapter~~~ ≧﹏≦

-Koharu Suzuki  ♥

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