Chapter 3 - Nice to meet you ●▽●

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As you started to regain consciousness, you found out you're in an unfamiliar room. "Ugh....Where am I ....? My head hurts....."you mumbled dizzily.
"I can see you're awake." A familiar voice appeared. As you turn to the direction where the voice came from,  you saw a boy smiling at you. "You collapse from exhaustion.... You really should have asked someone for help.... Speaking of which, why haven't I seen you in Reverse Falls before? " the boy asked curiously.  "I just moved here..."you mumbled as you tried to sit up. "So you don't know anyone here. " the boy asked.  "Yup. " you replied. "Okay, let me introduce myself. Nice to meet you, I'm Dipper Gleeful." The boy said. You shook your hand with him "Nice to meet you too!  I'm (First name) (Last name). " you both smiled.

*Your pov*

"Hmm... He seems like a nice guy. But should I trust him? Well, if you don't try,  you'll never know. " you thought. "Nice to meet you too! I'm (First name) (Last name)." You smiled at him.

*Dipper's pov*

*She's so pretty.... I've never seen anyone so pretty before.... So her name is (y/n). Interesting ~ I think should keep her to myself... I don't want her to be snatched by anyone else. *I thought to myself.

*No one's pov* (Dialog Version) ╯ω╰

Dipper:  so... Why are you going to stay in that old and abandoned house?

(Y/n) : haha.... That's a funny question..... You see, I kinda found that home on the internet....but it was wayyy much prettier than reality... I'm so stupid aren't I?  I guess I was too depressed to see it thoroughly....

Dipper: but why would you want to move here? 

(Y/n) : ....something happened.......(T ^ T)

Dipper: oh.. Whatever it is, it's in the past. Yesterday was history, tomorrow's a mystery,  but today, its a gift. That's why it's called a present. So let me say this. WELCOME TO REVERSE FALLS! *snaps my fingers and let rose petals rain down on her*

(Y/n) : *amazed* thanks a lot!  By the way?  Where am I?

Dipper: this is your house. I made some minor adjustments. Do you like it?

(Y/n)  : I love it!  Thank you so much!  ❤

Dipper: glad you like it.  Oh, I have a show later. Would you like to come to the Telepathy tent? 

(Y/n) : sure! 

Dipper: great!  So...  See ya then~ *flies out the window*

Dramatic exit ヽ(´▽`)/

Yay!!!  Sorry for the late update~ I'm a bit tired lately and I think I hurt my leg muscles... It hurts so bad (;ω;)
Anyway ~~ have a good day everyone!!!! 
( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)/ (‵﹏′) ╮(‵▽′)╭


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