Chapter 10: Fatal Goodbye

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Peter rushed after the Goblin as fast as he could. He had Gwen and that ticked him off. Hurting him was one thing,but going after people he loved and cared about was on a totally different scale. He had already contacted the avengers and sent his spider drone after the Goblin as well so he would not lose him. Peter then saw Tony fly up to him and spoke to him."Mr.Stark!Goblin has Gwen!We have to save her now!". Tony looked at him and nodded."Kid,were already on it. Just don't engage him in combat, we can't risk hurting the girl". Peter looked at his mentor and nodded. He had wished Sam was here to help,but remembered that he was currently on mission for cap. The two heroes then saw Goblin shoot a missile towards the crowd of people causing them to stop chasing him. Peter quickly shot out a spread web and pulled four civilians out of the way as Tony flew in and shot out a repulsor blast that destroyed the missile. The two then noticed Goblin was missing and the two quickly remembered about the spider drone and quickly tracked it towards the Goblin.

The goblin made his way to the Brooklyn Bridg as the blonde was terrified as the goblin placed her down and then flew away. She then took out her phone and called Peter. As the phone was ringing she noticed that the Goblin had disappeared."Gwen. Where are you?".Once she heard Peter answered she spoke to him in fear."Peter. Oh thank god. I'm on top of the brooklyn bridge. Goblin disappeared, but he might come back. Please hurry". She looked down with fear as Peter had responded."Were on our way. Hang tight". Gwen then hung up the phone as she looked around with fear.

Meanwhile the Goblin made his way to Oscorp's lab as Otto opened the hatch to let him in. Norman then took off the armor as he looked to be in pain."Sir please. Rest. Your body can't handle the suit". Norman looked at Otto and nodded."Place an android into the armor...To deal....with the spider....and the girl". Otto nodded at this as he helped Norman into a chair and quickly placed an android into the goblin armor that rushed off towards the brooklyn bridge.

Once Tony and Peter had made it to the brooklyn bridge they saw Gwen, but Peter then felt his spider sense go off. The Goblin rushed towards them and threw grenades towards the bridge causing it to explode and many people to become trapped in their cars. Tony looked at Peter and spoke to him."Kid go and get the girl, i'll help the people get to safety". Peter nodded yes at his mentor as he quickly made his way towards Gwen. The Goblin saw this and rushed over to her and grabbed her by the neck. He let out a menacing laugh as he twisted Gwen's head and then threw her off the bridge. Peter quickly activated his web wings and rushed towards Gwen. He had managed to grab her and made his way towards the bridge as the avengers had managed to get the civilians to safety. A crowd formed around Peter as he held Gwen's limp body after the Goblin had snapped her neck."Gwen. Come on get up". Natasha heard her son speak in pain as the rest of the Avengers looked at him concerned."Come on don't do this to me! Come on Gwen,Gwen! Gwen!". Peter held her body closely as he felt his heart break."ROMANTIC FOOL!!" Goblin had shouted at Peter. He then heard the goblin laugh in amusement, as Peter placed Gwen's body gently down and shot a web towards the goblin as the avenger's rushed over to try and stop him, but were too late. Peter jumped up onto the Goblin' Glider and proceed to punch him as he screamed angrily."YOU BASTARD!! HOW DARE YOU KILL HER!!". The crowd was cheering him on as he then grabbed the Goblin and made him pilot the glider into the ground.

Peter quickly jumped off as the Goblin hit the ground hard. The goblin stood up and revealed circuitry and wires as he looked at Peter and laughed. Peter rushed at the robot and continued to beat it as he screamed."YOU BASTARD!!YOU'RE NOT EVEN HUMAN!! WHERE'S THE REAL GOBLIN!!". The robot  looked at Peter and then spoke."I am the real Goblin and my mission is complete". The goblin then proceed to evaporate as ge pressed a button on his gauntlet that caused him to be covered in acid to ensure no one will know who had created him. The crowd looked at Peter as the police came up to him. One of the cops saw what had happened and praised Spider-man for his attempt to save Gwen. Peter looked at the cop as he shot out a web and swung away with the avengers following him.

The avengers had followed Peter to compound as they saw him crying hysterically in his room. Natasha rushed over to her son and hugged him."It's okay,sweetheart. It's okay". Peter looked at his mother and spoke through his tears."It's not,Mom! She died, Gwen died because of me!". Peter then looked over to a mirror as he saw himself in his suit. He quickly took it off of his body and handed it Tony as he stood their in only a pair of sweatpants. Everyone looked at the teen surprised by this as Tony spoke to him."Kid it wasn't your fault". Steve then chimined in to comfort Peter."Peter, it's wasn't your fault. You tried to save her. Soldier it's okay". Peter looked at the adults and shouted."NO MORE! NO MORE! SPIDER-MAN IS NO MORE! LEAVE ME ALONE,NOW!". The adults obayed Peter's wishes as they looked at him very concerned as they walked out of the room with Natasha being the last one out as she saw him cry,breaking her heart to see her child in pain. Peter layed on his bed and whispered to himself."No more" as he cried himself to sleep.

At the lab Norman was in pain as Otto had injected him with a serum to counter the Oz serum. Norman looked at Otto and spoke."Otto how long will i be unable to continue as the Goblin?". Otto looked at Norman and then spoke."I do not know sir, probably three months at least. For now i recommend we begin the other project". Norman looked at Otto angrily and then spoke."Very well. Begin Project Octopus immediately!". Otto nodded at this as he gained a evil smile.
To be continued.....

Author notes:
Yup The death of Gwen Stacey had to happen. It is a major part of Spider-man's history and i wanted to incorporate how this version of Peter will deal with the death of Gwen. Anyway, next time on son of black widow. Peter has quit being Spider man and refuses to dawn his suit once more as the avengers try to help him out of his depression and denial. What happens when a villain appears causing Peter to have to return to his crime fighting life. Will he accept it or refuse it?. Find out next time. Till then Spider man fans.

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