Chapter 26: Symbiote Hunters

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Peter had landed in what looked like an apocalyptic version of new york. There were empty buildings and abandoned cars giving a last of us type of feel.Peter looked around confused as he saw vines and blood splattered on the walls. He started to walk around confused when his spider sense went off. Suddenly Peter became surrounded by huge creatures that were covered by a symbiote. Peter looked at them with fear as he remembered how it felt like to have the symbiote be bonded to him."Okay,i guess it's time to go". Peter then shot out a sound wave web causing the beasts to shriek in pain and giving him the opportunity to shoot out a web and swing away. Suddenly Peter was hit by what looked like a symbiote bird like creature that grabbed him and threw to a nearby building top. Peter groan in pain as the creature came at him with full force as it was ready to strike with its razor sharp talons. Peter was about to shoot off another sound wave web when the creature was hit by two blurs of black and red.

Peter saw the creature laying on the ground as it started to turn back to a normal pigeon. Peter then saw two spider man standing before him. One with a similar look to his venom suit back with metal gauntlets and white trim on the body and mask and the other in a red suit with with his webshooters over his wrist and black trim contrasting with the red suit.Peter looked at them with some hesitation as the two were wearing symbiotes. The black symbiote spider man then spoke to the teen as the red symbiote spider man had helped him up."Relax kid,were on your side". The red symbiote spider man then spoke to Peter."What were you even doing out here, and what's with the costume you wanna copy us or something?". Peter looked at them a bit annoyed and then spoke."I actually didn't choose to be here and no i'm not trying to copy you guys. You might not believe me when i say this,but i'm not from this world". The two symbiote spider men looked at him confused as they both nodded."Tell us at our base. It's not safe here" said the red symbiote spider man as they shout out a web. Peter nodded as he followed the two back to their base.

Meanwhile in Peter's world,Tony had managed to finish the machine. He had a victorious look on his face as Natasha entered the lab with the rest of the avengers minus Steve,Sam,Thor,Rhodey as they were currently on separate missions for Shield,while Thor was currently in Asgard. Natasha saw the machine as she had walked over to Tony and spoke to him."Thank you. Now how do we get my son back?". Tony looked at her and answered the question."It's not that easy,but we will need a blood sample from Peter,luckily i still have one. And the machine will scan each dimension in search for our Peter specifically. Once it finds him it will open the Portal and he will be back here safe and sound". Natasha smiled as she was finally getting her son back."How long will it take?" Wanda had asked concern for her little brother to come back quickly. Vision looked at her and spoke."My calculations indicate that it will probably take an hour at least to find Peter". Tony nodded as he started the machine. It was time to bring back Peter.

The two symbiote spider men had brought Peter to what looked like a more fortified version of the compound. Peter looked at it with homesickness as the three entered the building. Peter had seen many people as they greeted the two spider men as they just stared at him confused. The two symbiotes then brought Peter over to the lab where an elderly man was working. The man himself was Hank Pym, the original Ant man. Peter looked at him with amazement as The two symbiote spider men took of their mask revealing their faces. Both were asian american teens with a fair skin tone,green eyes, and black hair with the black suit spider man had his spiked while the red suit spider man had his combed back. Hank smiled at the boys as he spoke to them."Russell,Marcus wang how was the hunt and who is this?". The black suit spider man Marcus answered the question."We found in the streets and he was being attacked by a symbiote creature". Russell the red suit spider man then spoke after his brother."If you weren't there then he would have been dead. Oh yeah" he then turned to Peter"Didn't you have to tell us something". Peter nodded as he explained to them how he was jumping through dimension to dimension in order to stop the Goblin from collecting the blood of other spiders to build an army.

The three looked at him as they then explained to him that their world became infected by symbiotes and many people started to turn into symbiote like creatures killing many people,including Marcus and Russell's parents. Once Marcus and Russell had became bonded to the carnage and venom symbiotes they had complete control of it in order to avenge their parents and hunt down other symbiotes as the symbiote hunters. They could also absorb other symbiotes in order to cure the host and give them more strength in battle. Peter looked at them impressed as he was not able to do this in his short time to being bonded to the symbiote. Suddenly they heard a crash as they looked up and saw the Goblin. The Goblin charged at the three spiders as he shot out fire balls towards them. The three dodged it with ease as Russel grabbed Hank and took him to a safer place. Peter and Marcus quickly began to punch the Goblin as Marcus had made one of his hands into a war hammer to swat the Goblin away. Peter then noticed that the Goblin was smiling as he saw him go for the siege perilous. Peter instantly knew what he was going to do. The goblin quickly opened a portal as he grabbed Marcus and was dragging him in order to use the symbiote to power up his soldiers. Russell then appeared and kicked the Goblin causing him to drop his brother. Peter quickly took his chance as he took the veils of blood from the Goblin and threw them into the labs incinerator. The Goblin yelled at this as he charged at Peter."No my spider army! You will pay!". Peter then began to kick and punch the Goblin as Marcus and Russell quickly joined him as the three had managed to push Goblin through the portal as he dropped the siege perilous. The Goblin let out an angry scream as the portal closed.

Peter picked the siege perilous and he quickly smashed it surprising both Russell and Marcus. Russell looked at him and spoke."Didn't you need that to get back home?". Peter nodded as Marcus then spoke."Then why did you smash it?". Peter looked at the two as he spoke."To make sure that no one like the Goblin will use it for evil. Even if it means that i won't be going home". The two brothers looked at the teen as he was willing to sacrifice his way home,when suddenly a blue portal had opened. Peter had looked at as he saw his world and saw his mother's face."Peter!" She had shouted at him. Peter looked at her with disbelief."Mom!". Peter looked at the two brothers as he said his goodbyes to them and entered the portal as it closed right after. Once Peter had came out the other end of the portal he looked around and saw that he was in the lab of the compound and saw Wanda,Tony,Vision,and Natasha standing their smiling as he took off his mask. He was finally home. Meanwhile the Goblin had landed back in Oscorp labs in his world as he growled angrily as he started to turn back into Norman. His plan had failed and now he had to wait another three months just to become the Goblin again. He growled angrily as he spoke under his breath."Curse you Spider man. Next time you will not be so lucky" he then walked out of the lab as he started to make a new plan.
To be continued.....

Author's notes:
Peter is finally home and the idea for the symbiote hunters actually belongs toiamnerdandgeek who suggested that make a world where two brothers use the venom and carnage symbiotes to be spider men. Anyway next time on son of black widow. Peter is finally home,but things change as he encounters a familiar face. What will happen when these two meet?. Find out next time on son of black widow. Till then spider man fans.

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