Chapter 21: I'm your what?!

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Peter chasing the Goblin through dimensions was a totally new experience for him. He felt like he was riding a rollercoaster and he hated it. Once a portal had opened up Peter saw that he was going to land in times square and quickly shot out a web. He quickly swung from it and landed on a building. He looked around and started to miss his own dimension."Man,this is just like my world. Maybe this world's avengers can help me get back hom...Spider sense going off". Peter quickly dodged a attack and looked at his attacker.It was a woman who wore a very similar suit to his and she looked angry. She looked at Peter as she yelled at him."Okay you clones can pretend to be me,But when you pretend to Spider-Man! We have a problem!". Peter looked at her and spoke."Hey calm down. Look i'm Spider-man and....". He was quickly cut off by the woman who ran at him ready to swing."Like hell you are, you Clone!". Peter quickly dodged her attack,by she managed to grab him and pin him to the ground. She then took off his mask and stood their in shock."Dad?". Peter looked at the girl very confused and spoke rapidly."What. I can't be your dad. I'm only fifteen about to be sixteen,in a five months. Look can i just explain what's going on here". The woman nodded as she let go of Peter and helped him up. The woman then removed her mask and revealed herself to be a seventeen year old girl with long brown hair and hazel eyes just like Peter.

Peter and the girl who said her name was May parker had talked about how Peter had arrived in May's world and what his world was like while she explained her world to him. May looked at Peter and spoke."Man it would be cool to have an assassin like Black Widow for a grandmother. By the way how are you going to find the goblin?". Peter looked at her and just shrugged."Don't know yet. But why did you get mad when you thought i was an imposter". May looked at the floor before she put his mask back on."Follow me,i'll show you why?". She then shot out a web and swung away as Peter pulled down his mask and followed her.

Meanwhile in Peter's world. Natasha stood in her room as she held a picture of her and baby peter a day after she had adopted him. She looked at the picture with great sadness as she did not know where her son was. She then heard a knock on her door and went to open it as she placed the picture down. Outside her door stood Nick Fury. He looked at her and spoke."I'm sorry. Our researchers our trying their best to find a way to reopen the portal, and nothing yet". Natasha looked at him and spoke angrily."Sorry doesn't cut it. It won't bring my son back! My poor boy must be scared or worse,dead!". Fury looked at the angered and worried mother and spoke."For now just wait. We both know your son can handle himself. Whatever universe he's in, he must be okay" he then started to walk away as Natasha just looked at him."I'll contact you once we make a discovery". Natasha watched him walk away and then entered her room as she closed the door. She walked back to her bed and grabbed the picture. She stared at it and spoke under her breath."Please be okay,Peter". She then heard her phone ring and saw that it was Clint calling and proceed to answer it.

Back in May's universe. May had lead Peter to a graveyard and stood in front of a tombstone. She looked at Peter and spoke."Are you sure you want to know". Peter nodded as May moved from the tombstone and Peter saw what it read."Here lies Peter Benjamin Parker. He was a loved husband and father".Peter stood their in shock as he did not expect to be dead in this world. May looked at him and spoke."My dad died because of a group called the inheritors,a group that feeds on life energy from totems either human or animal. One of their own attacked my family and killed my dad in the process. Along with the help of other spiders we were able to stop them for good". Peter looked at her and spoke."I'm sorry.Man that must of been a tough time". May nodded and spoke."When i first got my Spider powers,dad was the one who encouraged me to become a hero. Now that he's gone i'm trying my best to follow in his footsteps". Peter looked at his so called daughter and looked at her. He was at a lost for words when suddenly he felt his spider sense go off. May felt her spider sense go off too as the two dodged a fireball that scorched the ground. The two then looked up and saw the Goblin as he was ready to strike again. The goblin charged at May and had managed to grab her as he pinned her to the ground he then used one of claws to draw blood from her forearm as he placed it in a veil.

Peter quickly shot out a tazer web that shocked the Goblin as he screamed in pain. He then proceed to charged at him knocking him off of May."No one touches my daughter from an alternative reality!". Peter then quickly noticed the veil full of blood and got angry."Okay first the other Spider,Now Spider woman,what do you want to do with their blood Goblin!?". Goblin just laughed at this as he had managed to hit the teen into a tree, while May shot out a web around the Goblin's arms. Goblin easily managed to free his arms as he then grabbed May and threw her towards Peter causing both teens to hit the ground hard. The Goblin just looked at them as he laughed."Fools. Now that i have acquired the blood of this world's spider, i am getting closer to making my army of Spider soldiers!". The Goblin then raised the siege perilous as it shot out another portal. The Goblin quickly ran into the portal as Peter quickly followed. He looked at May and spoke as he entered the portal."May,you already followed in your dad's footsteps. You're a great hero". May looked at Peter as she saw the portal start to close."Thanks Dad". Peter nodded as the portal closed and he quickly shot out a web as he had managed to wrap it around the Goblin as they both headed to the next dimension.

Back in Peter's world Natasha,Clint, and Tony were all in the lab as Tony had brought up a blueprint for a machine. Natasha looked at the machine as she spoke to Tony."Are you sure this will bring,my son back?". Tony looked at her and nodded his head."Of course if it was built by me then it has to work". Clint chuckled at this."Do i have to remind you of ultron?". Tony scuffed at this and responded."You won't let me live that one down,will you? Anyway when this is done will have him back". Natasha looked at and spoke."Please just hurry and build it. I want my son back". The two males looked at her with worry as Tony had nodded. Natasha then walked out of the lab as she took out a picture of Peter.
To be continued....

Author's notes
Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Next time on son of black widow. Peter lands in world where he is just a comic book character and learns that this world's spider man is one of the many new people who had gained powers from an event that changed the world and the goblin is set to try and take this Spider man's blood. Will Peter be able to keep this Spider man safe from the goblin?.Find out next time on son of black widow. Till then Spider man fans.

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