Chapter 19: The Goblin's new plan

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Norman osborn stood in a lab as a smile grew on his face. He held the siege perilous an object that would allow him to travel through dimensions. He had acquired it thanks to the help of Chameleon, who was now currently in jail. Norman had heard many stories of the siege perilous' power and now that he had it he can begin his plan. He known of the existence of other worlds for quite a while and that he could travel to these other worlds his goal would be set and ready to begin to destroy spider man once and for all. He then mutated back into the goblin and proceed to leave as he was ready to find Spider man and end him once and forall.

Over at Tony Stark's lab,Peter and Tony were working on a new machine. Tony had just called Peter to come and help without really telling him what they were making. Peter agreed to this as he had nothing to do and he could not miss the chance to work with Tony on something he was building. Plus Natasha was currently with Nick Fury talking about the flashdrive that they had managed to get back. Peter had spent the entire morning at the lab with Tony. He had no clue what Tony was building. He was finished with the circuitry when Tony had came up to him and spoke."Alright Kid. Let's take a break and grab a bite to eat. Have you ever tried Shawarma?". Peter looked at his mentor and spoke."Nope. Didn't you have Shawarma after the battle of new york?". Tony nodded yes as the two walked out of the lab. Once they had arrived at the shawarma place they ordered their food and sat down. Peter looked at his mentor and spoke."So what are you building,Mr.Stark? Is it a new armor design?". Tony looked at his pupil and smile brightly. He was about to answer the question when suddenly they heard people screaming. They both turned around and saw the new mutated goblin. They quickly got up and ran towards the people. The two quickly suited up and helped the people out of danger as the Goblin shot out fire as he destroyed buildings. Peter looked at the new Goblin as he spoke angrily."Okay. Another Goblin. This one looks like he took some steroids and i'll make sure this guy pays for what happened to Gwen". Peter then charged at the Goblin as shot out a web and wrapped it around Goblins feet and arms. The Goblin easily broke free from the webs and charged at the teen.

Meanwhile Tony had sent different Iron man armors to get civilians out of danger as he contacted the rest of the avengers. He quickly received a call from Natasha and answered it."Nat,what's up?". Natasha responded quickly."Tony. Where's my son?". Tony heard the panic in her voice and responded."Fighting the Goblin.Why?". Natasha responded even more worried."You have to get him away from the Goblin. Goblin has the siege perilous". Tony quickly understood what Goblin was planning and rushed over to the teen."Don't tell me. He's not...". Natasha quickly finished his sentence."He's planning to jump dimensions and he's planning to take Peter with him. I'm on my way right now. Just get Peter out of their".Tony quickly activated his turbos as he sped towards Peter and the Goblin. The goblin currently held the teen by the neck as he proceeded to throw him. Tony shot out a repulsor beam at the Goblin as he quickly grabbed the teen and moved him away from the Goblin as he was chasing after them. Tony placed the teen on a rooftop as he had the other armors try to keep the Goblin away from them.

Peter looked at Tony as he was ready to go and fight."Mr.Stark.I can still fight him just let me help". Tony looked at the teen and spoke strictly to him."No your not! Stay here! I'll handle him while you run!". Before he could respond Tony had flew off towards the Goblin. Peter looked at him and quickly rushed over to help."Like it or not, i'm still going to fight!". He shot out a web and rushed towards the Goblin and Tony. The Goblin had grabbed Tony and started to rip off his armor. Peter quickly kicked the Goblin causing him to drop Tony. Peter was about to shoot out a tazer web when the Goblin had Grabbed him and started to laugh. He then held up the siege perilous as it glowed and shot out a portal. The Goblin looked at the teen and spoke in his monstrous voice."Behold Spider-Man. Your demise starts here. With the power of siege perilous i will conquer all worlds and you will be lost in the dimensional vortex while i do so!". He then walked over to the portal and entered it as he still had Peter in his grip and laughed. Natasha had arrived in time to see her son being carried away through the portal. She rushed to portal as fast she could,but didn't make it in time as it closed. She then fell to the ground and as tears roll down her cheeks as Tony walked over to her."No!No!Peter!My baby boy!". Tony had a bitter look on his face as he had failed to protect his pupil and tries his best to comfort the crying mother.

Inside the portal the Goblin had threw Peter as they were traveling through the wormhole. Peter quickly shot out a web that had attached itself to the Goblin as another portal had opened up. Peter looked at the angered Goblin and spoke."Sorry gobby. I might like doctor who,but i don't want to be lost between dimensions". The two quickly fell through the portal in bright flash of light as the Goblin had hit the teen as the portal had closed. Peter hit the ground hard as the Goblin made his way through what seemed to be a warehouse and the goblin struck someone as he made his way out of the warehouse as the person got up and looked over to Peter as he spoke confused."What in the world?".
To be continued.....

Author's notes:
Hope you enjoyed the introduction to the spider verse saga. This has been something that been looking forward to write about. Anyway next time on son of black widow. Peter finds himself in another world and encounters another spider man and the two must team up to fight mysterio. Will the two be able to beat him and get our Peter back to his world. Find out next time on son of black widow. Till next time spider man fans.

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