Chapter 22: Not just in Comics

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Once the portal had opened Peter had landed in what seemed to be new york's madison square garden. He looked around for a bit as it was cloudy. He looked around urgently and spoke."Gotta find this world's spider man before the Goblin does". Suddenly a blast was heard from afar as he looked up to see the Goblin fighting a spider man in a black and red costume with red lenses,Webshooters on his wrist,and a huge red spider on his chest. The spider man quickly shot out a web as he swung away from the Goblin."Okay, this guy is new. Out of all the bad guys i fought,this dude's definitely taking first place for the most toughest one". Suddenly the Goblin grabbed the Spider man by his neck and then threw him to a rooftop as Peter made his way to catch him. Peter had managed to catch the other spider man as he activated stealth mode to cloak the both of them. The goblin made his way to the rooftop as he growled angrily at the other spider man not being their. He then made his way through the city to search for this world's spider man,while Peter landed on a different building as he the other spider man had thanked ha
as they both reappeared.

The other spider man looked at Peter confused before speaking."Okay if you're an android sent by Iron man, tell him thanks and that i'll think about joining his boy band". Peter looked at him confused and spoke."An android? No you might not believe me but i'm not from this world". The other spider man looked at him and spoke calmly."Makes sense. Wait don't tell me. You're Peter Parker?!". Peter looked at him shocked before remembering that this is another version of him."Yeah and you're a Peter parker too". The other spider man nodded no and then spoke."No not exactly. Look let's head back to my base and i'll explain everything to you". The two then shot out a web as they both swung away.

Meanwhile in Peter's world. Tony had spent at least two hours building the machine. He was getting tired and wanted to quit,but couldn't as he was determined to bring back his pupil. He made a promise to Natasha to finish this machine to Bring back her son and wasn't gonna go back on it. As he was finishing up the circuitry and base for the machine he heard someone walk in. He turned around and saw Fury standing their. He looked at the one eyed man and spoke."If you want to criticize me,do it later. Right now i'm trying my best to build a device to try and bring back widow's son". Nick looked at him and spoke."No i actually came here to see if your almost done". Tony looked at Nick and nodded no."Still need to calibrate it and finish up the base. I actually didn't know you cared about the kid so much". Fury just chuckled at this as he started to speak."There's a lot that you still do not know about me,for now just finish up the machine and try to bring romanoff back". Tony looked at the man as he started to walk out of the lab. He quickly turned back to work on the machine as he had more intent to finish it.

Meanwhile Peter and the other Spider man had landed on the rooftop of a comic book shop in queens. Peter looked at the other spider man confused."So is your secret base underneath this comic book shop?". The other spider man just chuckled as he opened the door to the roof."Nope. It is the comic book shop. Come on the others won't believe this". Peter and the other spider man then entered the building as they both took off their mask. The other spider man revealing himself to be a sixteen year old hispanic male with messy black hair combed to one side,brown eyes, and a tan skin tone. The other spider then opened a door near the steps as he walked in with Peter following close behind. The room had three monitors, a couch, and what looked like a training area and in the room where five people. Two girls with one being in a blue spider woman suit with red design and the other girl with glasses was checking on a what seems to be a map and three boys with two a boy of a tan skin tone and the other with a darker skin tone on a couch as they were discussing something and the last person being a man in his early twenties checking video footage of the other Spider man's battle with the goblin earlier. They looked at the two spiders as the other spider man raised his hand to talk to them."Hey guys. Look who i brought back". Peter looked at the group as their eyes widen in shock as the dark skinned boy walked over to Peter and looked at him."Okay David, if this is an android then i'm going to be pissed off". The spider man named David padded his friend on the back as he spoke."Nope. He's the real deal,Ash. He's Peter Parker. Aka Spider Man". The girl in the blue spider suit walked over to David and spoke."Okay cousin. You have done crazier things in the past,but if this is a joke then i'm going to kick your ass for bringing one of Iron man's androids as a joke". David looked at his cousin a bit annoyed before he responded back."Okay Jeneth i know you're still mad at me for fighting that beast by myself,but this is no joke".The girl with Glasses and the boy with a tan skin tone then walked over to the three as the boy proceeded to speak."He's telling the truth. Maggie said so, she found this weird energy signature on the map". The girl known as Maggie held up a virtual map as she showed the others."Lee is right. When the beast David was fighting appeared a weird energy spike had occurred and next thing we know we have two spider men". The group looked at the map as the man stood up and walked over to them.

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