Cave Hunter

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We swam for a couple minutes looking for a cave that Eric might recognize. He gestures towards land and we all swim upwards to talk. As our heads break water, Eric says, "This is useless. We're never going to find her." "No way. We are not giving up this fast." I quickly respond. "Awww, you guys fight like an old married couple!" Addie says while wiping a fake tear from her eye. "Anyways, I think we should try looking closer to the house. We haven't checked there yet." Eric and I both shoot her a glare but still swim towards the manor. After a while we begin to hear... something behind us? I glance at Addison with a do you hear that too look. She nods and we turn around. Madi was behind us. "WHAt are yOu DOinG?!" I say, the second Madi and I resurface. "You following us was not in the plan!!! Please explain what madness went through your head!" She looked at me with a confident (and a little scared) smirk. "I need to explain? I don't think so. You're the one who's a f-fish for crying out loud! And where's Eric?" I reply with: "1. You still need to explain. 2. I'm only part-fish, so get your facts straight. 3. He's right here!" Eric pops his head out of the water. "Hey." He says. Madi's eyes widen as she looks at his tail. "All of you are fish?!" "Yup." Addie says as she joins us on the surface. "Pretty much! Your turn to explain." "I wanted to meet my mom, so I followed you! I expected you to knock on the door- like normal people. You're the ones with all the secrets and the endless whispering. You guys do it so much I even thought you were spies after my mom or something! You're my best chance to meet her. I didn't expect to find you all like this! I want to help, whatever's happening right now." Addie's interrupts her. "Well perfect timing Madi, because Eric just found the cave."

A/N: The title of this chapter is a horrible pun... Remember Eric's last name?

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