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• October 3rd •

Kennedy POV

I walked around Downtown LA and decided to look at the stores. I ended up going to Bath & Body Works, H&M, Macy's, and some of my other favorites. Since I was down here, I figured I would stop by my job to see my friend.

I walked inside the restaurant as the bells rang above the door. I seen literally my favorite person ever, Andrea, working at the cashier. I met Andrea when I first moved to California. I didn't know anyone so she was like my little tour guide. I smiled and walked over there.

"What are you doing here?" She asked. "I didn't know you were working today."

"Oh, I'm not. I was walking around so I figured I'd come see you." I explained. She nodded and put on her work hat. "But I'll be working tomorrow."

I've been working at LA Café for about 4 or 5 months now. I actually like my job because it allows me to interact with people, which I'm very good at.

"Good. I heard we were getting a new member."

I clapped playfully. "This restaurant needs all the help it can get." She laughed.

All of sudden, I heard glasses breaking from the back. I looked at Andrea and we both sighed. We went back there and saw Eric, one of our newest members, on the floor.

Eric just started working here 2 weeks ago. I enjoy the company of Eric because he's funny and makes the day go by quicker than it usually does. The only problem with him is he's kinda clumsy.

I held out my hand and helped him up. "Thanks, Kennedy." He said grabbing a broom to clean up the glass.

"You need to be more careful." I told him.

"I told you that already." Andrea jumped in."

"But I only listen to Kennedy."

"And that's why your dumbass fell!" She said which made me laugh.

"Man, whatever!" He said and walked off.

I walked back in to the front, when I got a text from my boyfriend. "Well, I gotta go." She hugged me before I left.

"See you tomorrow." She said. I smiled.

While I was walking out the door, I accidentally hit someone on the other side.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. Are you okay?" I asked making sure I didn't hurt him.

He picked up his phone and stood up. He was taller than me, he had light brown eyes, and he was kinda cute. "I am now." He smiled. His voice kinda gave me chills.

I smiled. "Well, I'm sorry again."

"Nah, it's cool." He said. I smiled again and with that, I walked away.

When I got back to my house, I seen Travis in the kitchen. "It took you long enough. What was you doing?" He said as soon as I walked in the door.

I ignored his statements and sighed. "Why are you here, anyway?" I asked.

He laughed and came closer to me. "I do what I want." He said.

"No, you don't." I said raising my voice a little.

"Who you talking to?" He said before he roughly grabbed my chin. I tried to walk upstairs but he grabbed my wrist. "Don't ever raise your fucking voice at me!" He yelled at me.

"Get off me!" I said moving his hands.

He walked towards the door. "Don't forget. You need me, Kennedy." I just looked at him as he walked away. Tears started to roll down my cheeks.

When I first met him, he was the perfect guy and now all he does is make me feel like I'm worthless. Sometimes, he's in a good mood then it'll just switch up and he takes the anger out on me. He's never hit me or anything, he just mentally does things to me.

I went upstairs and called my best friend, Aaliyah. I wiped my tears before she actually answered.

"Hey bestie." She said.

"Hey, Li." I said trying to sound happy.

"Are you okay? You sound different?"

"I'm fine. What are you doing?" I said quickly changing the subject.

"Just booking plane tickets."

I narrowed my eyebrows together. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"Well, SCC is having open house and orientation so I'm coming up there for about 3 weeks."

"For real? When?" My voice actually turned into a more happier tone.

"Well, I booked the tickets for Wednesday so I'll land at 6 or 7."

I smiled and said, "I can't wait to see you!"

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