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October 10th

Aaliyah POV

"I really appreciate you doing this with me." I said typing on my laptop. "I think better when I'm around people. Studying has always been so hard for me."

"Well, I'm here to make it easier." Woody said writing on a page in my notebook. I smiled and continued to finish my essay before my orientation next week. "But don't you think you've been working long enough? You could use a break."

"But I really have to get this done."

"Nerd." He said before laughing.

I glared at him and said, "I guess you're right." I closed my laptop. I turned on the TV and started to flip through the channels. He moved closer making me a little nervous. He just stared at me.

"You're a little close, don't you think?" I said.

"Not close enough." He said. He moved my curls from my left side and started to kiss my neck. It felt so good. He started to travel up to my cheek then to my lips.

"Um...w-wait Woody." I tried to say between the touch of his lips on mine. I moved back which made him move back too.

"What?" He said.

"We can't do this. I mean, we just met each other."

"But I thought you was feeling me?"

"No, I am. I just don't think we should, you know, be kissing like that." I said hoping he would understand. As much I wanted to continue, I didn't wanna seem easy to get.

"Nah, I get it. I shouldn't have did that." He picked up his keys and walked to the door.

"Wait, you're just gonna leave?"

"You should probably get back to your essay, Aaliyah."

Keith POV

"Man, I don't know what the fuck happened? I started feeling a certain way after I kissed her." Woody vented to Algee and I.

"Nigga, you in love." I said before laughing.

"Woody McClain is not in love." He said becoming very defensive.

"Sure." Algee said.

"I don't want a relationship right now, I just need something to hold me over." I shook my head. Sometimes, Woody doesn't even think about half the shit he does.

"Whatever, Wood. What about them scripts you was supposed to get?" Algee asked.

"Yeah." I added on the what he just said.

"I didn't bring them with me but I promise to give em to y'all tomorrow." He said getting up and going to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and grabbed some juice, drinking straight it from the bottle.

I scrunched up my face and looked at Algee. He shook his head. "Remind me again why we friends with his ass?" He whispered. I chuckled and sat back in the chair.

"Anyway, how was your little outing last night?"

"Yo Gee, it was so nice just being around her. She's just relatable and awesome in so many ways."

"Uh-oh! She seems like the one."

I smiled to myself. "Maybe." I added.

"Yeah yeah. He said that about the last girlfriend and how did that turn out?" Woody said coming back into the living room. I just stayed silent. "Exactly."

"Don't worry about him, Keith. If you feel like she's the one, she's the one." I thought about what he just said and got happy until I thought about her boyfriend. I took my phone out my back pocket and texted Kennedy.

To: Kennedy😌👀
Hey, you good?

I tucked the phone back into my pocket.

"Hey, didn't you say Kennedy did music and stuff like that?" Algee asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"You think she'll help me with my music?"

"I guess." I said before he smirked.

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