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November 2nd

Keith POV

I woke up to see that Kennedy was sleeping with her head on my chest. I smiled because she looked so adorable in my t-shirt I gave her last night. I ran my fingers through her hair, making her move a little bit.

"Keith, what are you doing?" She asked in a soft voice.

"Nothing. How did you sleep?" She sat up straddling me. I raised my eyebrows and placed my hands on her waist.

"Good." She said rubbing her hands up and down my chest. "I thought about what you said last night."


"Maybe, and that's a big maybe, I'll give you a chance."

I started to move in closer until she pressed her finger up against my lips. "You don't get any of that until you brush your teeth."

I chuckled before I said, "Lemme take you out tonight." I said.

"You being serious?"

I gripped her ass. "Of course. You said you was gonna give me a chance."

"I guess you're right." She said before hopping off me.

I got up to go brush my teeth. I heard my phone buzz, indicating I had a text, from the other room. "Ken, you'll check that for me?" I said.

"Okay." Her facial expression changed fully. She brought the phone to me and said, "My world?" I grabbed it from her and looked at it.

"Chill, it's just my mom."

From: My World💕
Morning, baby. What are you doing today?

To: My World💕
Nothing, ma. Probably just going out tonight.

From: My World💕
With who?

To: My World💕
Lol her name's Kennedy and we been talking for a minute so I wanted to take her out tonight.

From: My World💕
Be careful, Keith. You know how these girls get...

To: My World💕
Lol, she's not like Iyesha🙄

I put my phone in my pocket and finished brushing.

After I was done, I went back into the room and saw Kennedy grabbing her things. "Wait, where you going?" I said.

"Home." She answered nonchalantly.

"Damn, you gon' do me like that. I don't want you to leave."

"I need to go home, Keith."

"Whatever, I'll pick you up at 8 though." I told her before I smacked her ass.

"Keith!" She yelled at me.

Travis POV

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