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November 10th •

Kennedy POV

"Mr. Powers!" I yelled after holding down the record button on Snapchat as I sat in front of the mirror.

He walked up behind me and said, "I told you not to call me that." I laughed. "What do you want?"

"You." I said before he stooped down and kissed my cheek. I stopped the video and posted it with a few heart eye emojis.

"You think you cute cause you got your hair done." He said making me smile. I, then, took a picture of us standing in the mirror. I posted it on Instagram with the caption: MOOD💕 "Are you going back to Florida for Thanksgiving?" He asked.

"I was thinking about because I really need to check on my mom and my brother."

He pouted. "Oh."

"Aww, are you gonna miss me?"

"Yeah, but it's okay. A turkey with Algee will suffice."

I started laughing. "Why don't you just be with your family?"

"We don't really do anything on Thanksgiving. My mom just likes Christmas time."

I nodded. "Well, how about you come with me?"

"For real?"

"Yeah, I'm sure they won't mind. Besides I'll probably miss you too." He smiled and hugged me.

"Thanksgiving with the Brown's. I like it." He said making me shake my head.

His phone went off and he took it out of his pocket. I saw the name it said Christina. I rolled my eyes and walked away. He answered and said, "Hello?"

"I guess I can."

He looked at me before saying, "Can Kennedy come too?"

"Alright, we're on our way."

He came back over to me and said, "She said she wants us to meet her for lunch."

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to pass on that." I said combing through my hair.


"Because I just don't wanna go." I said before I put on my jacket. "You know, why is she so infatuated with you now anyway? She's weird."

"Don't do that. You hardly know her."

"And that's exactly where I want it to stand." I grabbed my phone and charger and headed towards the door. "So if you wanna go, go. But I'm not coming." I said before I tried to leave.

He grabbed my arm and said, "Wait, where are you going?"

"I'm going to run some errands. Have fun with her tho."

Keith POV

I don't even know why she's acting like this but it's whatever. I grabbed my phone and headed out the door.

Christina texted me the address so I typed it in my GPS and drove there. When I got there, I seen her sitting outside at a table.

"Hey, Keith." She said standing up when she saw me.

"Hey." I said hugging her.

She looked around before saying, "Where's Kennedy?"

"Oh, she said she had to run some errands."

"Aww, that's too bad." She said before pulling my hand. "Come on, I have some great ideas to tell you." We sat back down at the table that was set up with plates and silverware.

"So I talked to my dad and he said when you guys come in for your first day of shooting, he'll see how good you are for another role."

"That's good. What would I be doing?"

"You could model if you want to but I think acting is going to be very special in your life."

Aaliyah POV

"And he just went with her?"

"Yeah." Kennedy replied.

"You think this is okay?"

"Aaliyah, it's fine. Keith is not mine. He can do whatever he wants because it seems crazy for me to be getting mad over this when I have a million other things to do." She walked around the store picking up some clothes. "I still have to write 3 more songs for Michaela this week before her show."

"I'm not saying be mad over the situation. I'm just saying I know he sees the way that she looks at him. Why isn't he doing anything to stop her if he likes you?"

"Ask him that."

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