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• October 9th •

Kennedy POV

I woke up with the worst headache. Glad I didn't have work this morning. I looked around for my phone and saw it and the end of the bed. I grabbed it and checked my notifications. I had 2 messages from Keith.

I opened the ones from Keith first.

From: Keith💙
I had a great time with you last night😏

From: Keith💙
Call me when you wake up.

I smiled to myself. I looked in the mirror to make sure I looked pretty decent before I called him. Once I was ready, I clicked the FaceTime button for his contact. He answered after the second ring.

When his face appeared on the screen, I could see he was laying in the bed.

"Good morning, Keith." I said smiling a little.

"Aww, you smiled. Good morning tho." He said. "Did you have fun last night?"

"Yeah, but now I have this killer headache."

I heard a male voice in the background say, "Is that Kennedy?"

"Yes, now get out of my room!" Keith yelled. The boy grabbed the phone from Keith and started walking into another room.

"Wassup, I'm Algee. Keith talks very highly about you." He said making me smile. "In fact, I think you are the prettiest girl he's ever been interested in."

"Thank you." I said to him.

I guess Keith grabbed the phone back and said, "Why y'all dumbasses can't leave me alone, huh? Always in my business and shit."

"Keith, don't be like that." I said before pouting.

"It's true." He licked his lips. "Anyway, I'll see you at the Café?"

"Oh, I don't work on Fridays. Sorry, bro." I laughed.

"Damn, a whole day without seeing you." He said which made me blush. Even though I only knew Keith for at least a week, I could tell he was a cool person. The energy from being around him is just...different, but a good different. "You wanna do something tonight?" He asked.

I thought about it and was gonna say no because I didn't want to give off the wrong impression. I was flattered but I mean, what if Travis found out?

"I don't really think th-" I started to say for he cut me off.

"C'mon, please. I wanna hang out with you, plus you kinda owe me for taking you home."

I smiled before rolling my eyes. "What time?"

A grin appeared on his face before he said, "I get off at 6, so I'll pick you up and we can find something to do." I nodded my head. "See you later, Kennedy."

"Bye, Keith."

Keith POV

After she hung up, Algee and Luke came in my room. "Nigga, I told you before to get out. And Luke why are you here?"

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