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October 16th •

Kennedy POV

I was in my living room writing down some lyrics for Keith's friend, Algee. He hit me up a few days ago and asked could I help him with his music. I agreed because I've never really worked with anyone before, I've just always been solo.

I did have a mini studio in my house, so I told him to come over tonight so I could hear how it sounds.

A few minutes later, I heard the doorbell ring. I stopped writing and went to answer it.

"Hey, Algee." I greeted.

"Hey, you ready to hear this amazing voice?" He said stepping inside.

I laughed. "The studio's in the last room down the hall." I said as he walked there. I grabbed the notebook off the table and followed him.

"Kennedy, this is actually pretty cool. You did all of this?" He said touching the buttons on the recording panel.

"Let's just say I'm very committed to music." I said handing him the notebook.

"Wow." He said stepping into the booth. He picked up the headphones.

"Start when you're ready." I turned on a random beat and gave him a thumbs up.

In the club on a Friday

I don't even care what time it is

Pretty women in the building and I ain't even been eyeing them

They can't show me a good time, oh yeah

I need someone who's confident

I know as soon as she hits the door

Then I'll make sure it's mine for sure

Ooh, I'm just waiting on it

Ooh, Imma see her in a moment

There she go, I ain't sitting back, sitting back

I gotta let her know that I'm just feeling that, feeling that

Oh I be saying woah, woah baby

Aw yeah, sweet lady

I need to know ya name

Girl, I know that I'm pursuing

But I just gotta see the way ya moving

I stopped the track and turned on his headphones so he could hear me. "Damn, Algee! That was good as fuck!" He laughed and came out of the booth. "Keith told me you could sing but not like that."

"And you didn't tell me you could write so well." He said.

"Eh, I'm okay."

"Okay, my ass. With your songwriting and my voice, we'll be the perfect team." I smiled. I've always written for me but if what he said actually worked out, Algee would be the first person ever to record with me.

"You really think so?"

"Of course." I twisted my lip and looked back at him. "So we got a deal?"

"Yeah, Algee." I said before my phone buzzed. "Ya boy is texting me."

"What he say?" He asked shaking his head.

From: Keith💙
Hey, what you doing?

I showed him the text from Keith. He grabbed the phone from me and started typing. "What are you doing?" I asked.

He handed back the phone.

To: Keith💙
Algee just came by so we're just chillin.

"You're petty. Why'd you put that? Now he's gonna think something's up."

"That's the point."

From: Keith💙

Out of nowhere, my phone started ringing. Did Keith really just FaceTime me?

"Oh shit!" Algee mumbled.

I answered and smiled. It looked like he was in his car. "Hey, Keith."

"Don't hey Keith me. Lemme find out Algee over there."

"Well, he is over here but we're just working in the studio." I said flashing the camera over to Algee, who was sitting next to me. "He sent that message too."

"Wassup, Ke?" Algee spoke.

"Ken, y'all seriously hanging without me?" Keith said getting upset.

I laughed. "Calm down. If you wanna come over, just ask." I told him.

He pouted his lips. "For real?"

"Yes, you big baby." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm on my way!" He said before he hung up.

Algee and I laughed. "That nigga ugly as hell! Why you want him over here?"

"Keith's not ugly...and I kinda like him a little bit." I said mumbling the last part.

"Wait, what?!"

"I just said Keith's not ugly." I quickly said trying to cover up the part about me liking him.

"Nah, you said you like him." He said. I bit my lip and looked down at my shoes. "What about ya mans tho?"

"I haven't broken up with him yet. He's just really hard to talk to so I've been avoiding him lately."

"Well, if you wanna be with Keith, you gotta leave him. ASAP."

"What makes you think I wanna be with Keith?"

"Well, you did just say you like him."

"First of all, I said kinda. Second of all, just bec-" I started to say until I was cut off by the doorbell.

I went back into the living room to open the door. I seen Keith standing there with Chik-Fil-A bags in his hands. "I brought food!" He said which made me smile.

"Aw, thanks." I said stepping to the side so he could come in. He placed the food on the counter.

I went back to the studio room while Keith followed. When we walked inside, Algee was in the booth on his phone.

"You wanna hear him?" I asked Keith. He nodded.

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