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October 8th •

Keith POV

I woke up to hear loud talking in the living room. Since I took a shower last night, I just put on my uniform and headed downstairs. I saw Woody, Algee, and Luke sitting on the couch.

"I'm guessing Algee let you in." I said referring to Luke, since Woody spent the night. Algee and I are basically roommates. He's actually the one that convinced me to share an apartment with him.

"Yeah. Where you going?" Algee asked.

"Work." I said pointing to the logo on my shirt.

"Mhmm. He just wanna see that girl, Kennedy." Woody said before the rest of them laughed.

I shook my head. "I don't even know her like that."

"But you giving her rides?" He said.

"Her car wouldn't start so I just took her home." I said. I don't even know why I'm explaining myself to these niggas.

Before I started walking out the door, Luke said, "Wait, you coming to the party tonight?" Luke always throw parties for no apparent reason, but I won't lie, they are kind of lit.

"I don't know." I answered.

"You'll know if Kennedy goes." Luke said laughing. I gave him a flat look. "Nah, I'm serious. Ask her."

"From what I heard, she got a boyfriend so I don't want to get in between that."

"From what I heard, she said it was complicated." Woody said. "So you better ask her before I do."

I shook my head and walked out the door. I drove down to the restaurant and walked inside. I seen Kennedy washing tables so I went over there and decided to talk to her.

I don't think she saw me so tapped her on her shoulder. She kinda jumped because I startled her.

"Keith, you scared me!" She said which made me laugh.

"I'm sorry." I said before licking my lips.

"You ready to serve more drinks?" She asked finishing up the table she was on.

"Yeah, I guess." I said. She smiled and started walking away. "Wait!" I yelled after her.

She giggled. "Yeah?"

I hesitated about asking her to go to Luke's party but I didn't want to seem scared to do it. So I just did it. "W-what are you doing tonight?"

"Well, my best friend is supposed to be coming from Florida tonight. So I guess we'll just find something to do when she gets here." She explained.

"Well, one of my friends is throwing a party tonight so if y'all wanted to swing by..." I said dragging my sentence.

She smiled. "Okay, I'll think about it."

That shit was actually easier than I thought. I just hope she decides to go. I wouldn't say that I like her fully, but she is beautiful and I wanna get to know her more.

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