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November 2nd •

Kennedy POV

"Why is it so bad if you kissed him tho?" Andrea asked as she finished stacking cups.

"Because I don't wanna get caught up in my feelings. After what just happened with Travis, I am not trying to go down that road again."

"But Keith seems like a good guy."

"I thought the same thing about Travis but you see how that turned out. I trusted him too early and he played me." I took the cups and put them on the rack. "It just feels like déjà vu."

"Kennedy, I really don't think he's a bad guy. Especially not like Travis." She said. I sighed before I heard the door open. I didn't completely look but I saw Eric and Keith walking in in my peripheral.

Keith came up to me and said, "Hey."

"Hi." I said dryly, continuing to clean up the station.

"Why you didn't answer my calls last night? I just wanted to make sure you got home safely."

"My phone died." I lied.

He grabbed the rag out of my hand and moved in front of me so that I was, now, in his face. I looked up at him, studying every feature on his face from his pretty brown eyes to his facial hair. He looked at Andrea and Eric and said, "Can y'all give us a minute?"

"Why would we do th-" Eric started to say before Andrea pulled him out of the room.

He looked back down at me. "Are you mad at me?"

"No, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself."

"What! Why?"

"Because we're moving too fast and this is literally the same thing that happened with me and Travis." I tried to move but he just grabbed my waist, pulling me closer. I rolled my eyes. "People are gonna think that I'm some kind of hoe."

"No, they're not. Who cares what they think? And I promise I'm nothing like your last." He said. There was a part of me that wanted to believe him but another part that didn't. "So you're saying that kiss didn't mean anything to you?"

"That's not what I'm s-" He cut me off.

"It basically is. You're say you like me one day, then you don't want anything to with me the next. Can you make up your mind?"

I sighed. "Keith, I just need time."

"Well, I don't. I found what I need in my life and that's you." This is so hard because he doesn't understand what I'm tryna say. He doesn't need me. He just needs to focus on his career in acting.

"Why can't you just let me decide wh-" I started to say. He kissed me out of nowhere. I didn't want to kiss back but I couldn't resist. He traveled down to my jaw line until he reached my neck and started sucking on it.

"You like that?" He whispered in my ear as his hands made their way to my ass. I pushed him back and he looked at me crazy. "What's wrong?"

"I just told you I can't do this. Plus we're at work, Keith." I told him.

"Come to my house after work then. I wanna finish talking about this." He grabbed my hand and I nodded hesitantly.

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