Chapter one

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat!
Happy: AYE SIR!
Natsu: AYE SIR!
Mira: NALU!
Me: AYE!
Lucy: what have I gotten myself into?
Me: let's start!


Third person p.o.v

In the middle of Earthland, was Fiore. In the middle of Fiore, was Magnolia. In the middle of Magnolia, was the Fairytail guild. And in the middle of the Fairytail guild-

Happy p.o.v

"BRING IT FLAME BRAIN!" Gray yells back.
"YOU GET HIM NATSU!" I cheer Natsu on as he punches Gray. Beside me Lucy sighs. "Something wrong Lushee?"
"I just wish Erza was here to quiet them up..." Lucy says, covering her ears.
"You got a headache?" I ask worriedly.
"Something like that..." she responds.

Out of the corner of my eye I see a white beauty. Carla.............
"Happy?" Lucy asks but I don't hear her. I'm too busy looking at Carla. "Happy?" Lucy waves her hand in front of my face but I ignore it. "HAPPY!" Lucy yells, catching me by surprise and I fall off the bar.
"Lushee!" I complain, standing up and flying back on.
"Sorry Happy, you zoned out." She says. I look back at Carla and Lucy sees. "Ah, I see..." Lucy stands up and walks outside. I look after her, confused.

Lucy soon returns with a bouquet of flowers.

(Me: not mine, in case it wasn't obvious)

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(Me: not mine, in case it wasn't obvious)

Lucy sits down at her original seat and places the bouquet on the bar. Natsu soon comes over, interested.
"Who's that from Luce?" Natsu asks concerned.
"Yeah! They're so pretty!" I say. Lucy giggles.
"They're for Happy!" Lucy says. We both tilt our head at her, confused. "Happy is going to give these to Carla."
"Oh." Natsu says. I hug Lucy.
"Thank you Lusheeeeee!" I squeal. Lucy hugs back.
"Don't worry about it." She says, smiling

I pick up the basket and fly over to Carla. Lucy's always helping me with ladies...or lady. She's always so nice to me...except when I annoy her...which is quite often. But still!

I continue to fly over to Carla to give her the flowers, but she's disappeared!
"Where'd she go!" I ask aloud.
"She went on a job with Wendy." Levy says nearby, guessing who I was talking about.
"What if it was a dangerous one!? What do I do!? She could be in serious danger!" I say very quickly, panicking. Natsu and Lucy walk over to see what was happening.

"What's wrong lil'buddy?" Natsu asks.
"Carlahasgoneonajobwithoutmeandshecouldbeinseriousdanger! (Happy: Carla has gone on a job without me and she could be in serious danger!)" I say as I flap my arms, somehow hoping it would emphasise my point.
"Calm down Happy." Lucy says, pulling me close.
"But but but!" I complain.
"No buts." She says sternly. "She'll be fine." Lucy's always here to comfort me...
"Yeah! She's got Wendy with her!" Natsu says, joining in.
"Exactly!" Lucy says. "And if you truly care about her, you have to give her her freedom."
"Like I do with Luce!" Natsu says.
"Right!" Lucy says then freezes. "WAIT WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?"
"Eh...NOTHING!" Natsu protests.
"They liiiiiiiiiiike each other!" I say, lolling my tongue.
"SHUT UP CAT!" Natsu and Lucy both yell at me.

At the end of the day Natsu and I are walking home, me resting on his shoulder.
"Your birthday's coming up soon lil'buddy." Natsu says randomly. "Anything you want?" I think really hard. Fish? No, I get that all the time. More fish? Nah. Hmmm...I keep thinking for a little longer and my mind keeps returning to one thing...
"Natsu..." I start. "I want a new mum..."


Me: it's really bad, I know! But I'm roasting in my room and the heat doesn't do anything for my fact it makes it worse...and it makes me tired and...well you get the idea.
Happy: AYE SIR!
Natsu: AYE SIR!
Mira: NALU!
Lucy: this is all they've been doing...
Me: everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeeee!

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