Chapter three

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat
Happy: AYE SIR!
Natsu: AYE SIR!
Lucy: not again...
Me: let's start!


Happy p.o.v

Lucy and I head to the guild after she gives me some yummy fish. I fly above her head as she walks on the edge of the walk.
"Careful miss Lucy!" The boatman yells.
"I will!" Lucy replies. She raises her arms at her side to help her balance.
"You look weird Lushee." I state.
"SHUT UP CAT!" She yells at me.

We finally arrive at the guild.
"Lu! Over here!" Levy calls to Lushee. I was about to follow her but I see Natsu. He looks like he's looking for something. I fly over to him.
"Hey Natsu!" I say happily.
"Hey lil'buddy!" he replies "I've got a surprise for you."
"What is it?" I ask excitedly.
"I'm dating Lisanna!"

I freeze. I fall to the ground because my wings disappear. Everyone stares at Natsu with disbelief, Mira looks a little angry though. She's muttering something about Nalu.
"Aw! He's so surprised he fell down!" Natsu says, mistaking my reaction. He lifts me up but I struggle away. I fly above his head and out of his reach.
"W-Why!?" I ask.
"Well you said you wanted a mum so..." Natsu says, a grin on his face.
"That's not what I meant!" I half yell. Now Lucy will never be my mum...
"Well what did yo-" Natsu was about to ask but was interrupted by Lisanna. (Me: please no Lisanna hate, remember Natsu asked her for Happy's benefit and it is not her fault.)
"Natsu!" She squeals as she hugs him. I turn around and fly away, not wanting to see this. This has gone horribly wrong...

I search the guild for Lucy but she's gone. I fly by the door and see her walking outside.

Lucy p.o.v
A couple minutes earlier

"Lu! Over here!" Levy calls. I walk over to her and sit down beside her.
"Hi Levy." I say.
"You ok, Lu, you don't seem like yourself." She asks, concern spreading across her face.
"Happy asked me to be his mum." I explain plainly.
"Oh..." Levy says, not expecting it. "How did Lisanna take that?"
"She doesn't know." I reply.
"Oh...well..." levy struggles to form words.
"But ever since last night I've be-" I start but am interrupted.
"I'm dating Lisanna!" I hear Natsu say. Everyone turns to look at him and I think I see Happy fall on the floor. I look back at Levy who seems to know what I'm going to do.
"Lu! Wait!" She says as she holds my arm.
"I just need some time." I say as I pull my arm away and head for the door.

I keep walking. I don't know for how long I've been walking.
"LUSHEEEE!" I hear Happy yell. I turn around just in time to catch him. "It's all gone wrong! Its all gone wrong!" He cries into my chest. I pat the back of his head.
"It'll be ok Happy." I comfort him.
"No! It won't!" He cries again. "Now Lisanna is my proper mum! But I don't want that, I want you to be my mum!"
"It's not gonna work Happy." I tell him. "It's not like you'll never see me again!"
"But...but....but..." he tries to come up with words.
"Give her a shot." I say. "For me?"
"Fine." Happy reluctantly agrees.
"Come on, let's get some tasty fish." I say.
"Yay!" He cheers, making me giggle.

Happy and I walk down to the lake where he, Natsu and I always fish. Happy pulls out a fishing pole from out of nowhere and begins to fish. I sit down beside him and pick at the grass.
"I've got one!" Happy excitedly yells. "It's really heavy!" I reach my arms around, grab the pole and help him pull. We hoist it up and find...
"A boot!?" I exclaim.
"That's not a tasty fish!" Happy says, covering his nose. "It smells bad too." The smell, that I hadn't smelt before, reaches my nose and I quickly cover it. We look at each other and laugh before he puts it to one side. And pushes it far away from us.

The morning went by quickly as Happy and I continued to fish. Most of the time we got rubbish but occasionally we got lucky. I lay down and let the sun hit me.
"It sure is hot today." I say.
"Aye..." Happy agrees as he lays down beside me. We hear laughing from the other side of the lake. We both look up and see Natsu and Lisanna.


Mira: operation: save Nalu is ago!
Happy: AYE SIR!
Natsu: AYE SIR!
Me: it's the magic of Nalu!
Lucy: *lost for words*
Mira: *dancing with her pom poms*
Me: everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeeee!

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