Chapter nine

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat!
Mira: author-chan is a little bit excited...
Natsu: what happened now?
Lucy: I don't think I want to know...
Mira: now I know how you guys feel.


Lucy p.o.v

I walked home with a spring in my step. I was thinking about how I could help Lisanna. Maybe I could make a letter for her! Then she can give it to Natsu. What if she prefers to do it in person. I'll make the letter and she can either give it to him, or read it to him.

I get home and sit down at my desk. I pull out some paper, making sure I don't knock down my book, and a pen. I place my pen to the paper and start writing.


As much as I have enjoyed our time together, it's not going to work out. Please, don't think this is all your fault, it's mine as well. I hope you can understand this, and that we can still be friends.


So it didn't turn out to be the letter I had planned it to be, but it should work! I move the note to the side of my desk and change into something more comfortable. I then hang my new clothes in my wardrobe and climb into bed, exhausted.

It isn't long before I hear shuffling by my window. I open my eyes and see Natsu and Happy climbing in.
"What are you doing?" I ask in as scary voice as my throats will allow. Natsu jumps and Happy nearly falls.
"Uhhhhh....we thought you were asleep." Natsu says.
"Can we sleep here Lushee?" Happy asks.
"Wouldn't you rather go sleep at Lisanna's?" I ask. Natsu shivers.
"Not with Elfman there..." he says.
"And Mira..." Happy adds. I sigh.
"Fine." I say. They quietly cheer. I move over and Natsu crawls in the bed beside me. Happy snuggles in front of me. And now, my human oven is complete.

Happy p.o.v

Later in the night, Natsu wakes up. He gets out of the bed and starts looking around. I get up and follow him.
"What are you doing Natsu?" I ask quietly so I don't wake Lucy.
"Looking for food." Natsu replies, sniffing.
"Shouldn't we just wait until Lushee wakes up?" I ask.
"I'm too hungry to wait until then." He says. There's a loud crash as Natsu walks into something. I quickly look at Lucy to see if she's woken up, but she just rolled over. "Hey, what's this?" Natsu says, who's now on the floor. He picks up a note. I fly to his shoulder and look.
"I can't read it." I say. Natsu ignites his hand so we can see. We read it, or I read it aloud to him.

Lucy p.o.v

I wake up to see Natsu staring angrily at me. Is it because I didn't leave food out for him? Happy is innocently in the kitchen, trying to find my stash of fish.
"What is it?" I ask groggily. He holds out a piece of paper and I instantly know what it is. "Natsu..I-" I sit up.
"Care to explain?" He says, his eyes piercing into my soul.
"Lisanna asked me to..." I say, looking down.
"Why would she do that?" He asks, his voice piercing my heart.
"I don't see why it's a problem Natsu, since your message to Gray yesterday said tha-" Happy starts.
"SHUT UP HAPPY!" Natsu yells at him. Happy's eyes widen.
"Natsu...calm down." I say.
"Calm down?" He says, growing angrier. "You-you wrote this! Did you write one for Lisanna too!?"
"W-What!? Of course not!" I plead. "You're my best friend Natsu, I'd never do anything to put your happiness at risk." He waves the note near my face.
"Then what's this?!" He half yells.
"I told you, Lisanna asked me to help her." I explain.
"Natsu..." Happy says. "Please don't fight with Lushee..." I look at him and see a tear in his eye.

"Happy." I say in a comforting manner and half run to him. "We're not fighting...just...just a talk that people have to do sometimes." Happy quietly cries into my chest. I look at Natsu. "Ask Lisanna if you don't believe me. I'm looking after my child." Natsu storms off to find Lisanna.
"Why is Natsu so angry?" Happy asks.
"You saw the note." I tell him.
"But he told Gray something yesterday!" Happy says.
"What did he tell him?" I ask curiously. Happy looks down.
"I've said too much." He says. I sigh.
"You sure you can't tell me?" I ask, curiosity getting the better of me. Happy mutters something's like 'might speed things along' and 'but might make Natsu angrier'.
"I guess it wouldn't hurt..." Happy finally decides. "Natsu told Gray that he has feelings for someone else." That I already knew. "But those feelings only surfaced a few weeks ago." Ok. "And it was for a blond." B-Blond!? "With brown eyes." My cheeks start blushing a little.
"O-Oh?" I say. "Well she's very lucky." I say, deciding it isn't me. Happy vacantly stares at me. "What?" I ask him.
"ITS YOU YOUR BAKA!" He yells.


Lucy: O////////O
Me: *hands Mira pom-poms*
Mira: *dances*
Happy: it has finally come.
Natsu: aye.
Lucy: WHY DID YOU 'AYE'? O////////O
Me: heheh, anyway, everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeee!

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