Chapter nineteen

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat!
Happy: AYE SIR!
Lucy: not again...
Natsu: AYE SIR!
Mira: AYE SIR!
Lucy: end me now!
Me: nope! Let's start!


Lucy p.o.v

We walk back through the forest. Back past the village. Back into Magnolia and back into the guild.
"They're home!" Someone yells. Everyone comes running up to us and greets us.
"Where were you all?" I ask.
"We got to a clearing but you'd disappeared, my cards said to wait for you here." Cana explains.
"Let's throw a party!" Mira exclaims happily. Everyone cheers.

Later that night, a party was thrown to celebrate our return. Everyone had changed...and by everyone, I mean the girls had changed into show-it-off-dresses. Me, on the other hand, wore my simple purple dress.
"Lucy! Over here!" Lisanna calls me. I walk over to her, a smile on my face. She was wearing a white strapless dress that showed off her curves. Why are all the girls wearing dresses like this? (Lucy: because Mashima draws us in clothes that shows our curves off. | me: no hate to Mashima-Sensei!)
"Hi lis!" I say cheerfully.
"I wanted to apologise for earlier..." she says. I tilt my head in confusion. "I heard that Natsu found out about what we planned and he blamed you for it..."
"Don't worry about it!" I say, shaking my hands in front of me. "It's all gone and done now!"
"Thank you Lucy." She says smiling. I spent the rest of the evening with Lisanna, Levy and Erza.

"So?" Erza says near the end of the night, surprisingly, she hadn't touched any alcohol. Nor had Levy, Lisanna or I.
"So what?" I ask.
"You and Natsu?" She says with a smirk on her face. My face heats us.
"W-What about it?" I ask, getting nervous.
"Oh come on Lu, you told us earlier what happened!" Levy says. "You told us about your feelings and how Happy told you about his, so when are things between you going to go kaboom!"
"Kaboom?" Lisanna asks.
"Their feelings will explode and produce 33 babies!" Levy explains. Maybe I lied about Levy being drunk. Still, this isn't like her drunk self. My face is now putting Erza's hair to shame.
"I-I-I-" I stutter. Just then, Natsu comes over and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey Luce!" He says happily. I don't smell alcohol in his breath so phew!
"H-Hello Natsu." I say.
"I'm twired" he says, leaning his head on mine.
"N-Natsu!" I exclaim. The girls have a smirk on their faces.
"Better take him home Lucy." Lisanna says winking. I drag Natsu home.
"REMEMBER TO GRAB THAT BUTT!" Levy yells. I lower my head so my bangs hide my face.


Me: sorry it's short and late, I didn't know what to write!
Mira: NALU!
Happy: AYE SIR!
Natsu: oh no...
Lucy: mhmm...
Me: anyway, everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeee!

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