Chapter twenty

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat!
Me: must mid...twenties...*scary look on face*
Lucy: oh no...
Natsu: what have we done?
Happy: what has Mashima done?
Me: let's start!


Happy p.o.v

Last night was great! I don't know where Lucy and Natsu went to though...
"HEY LIL'BUDDY!" Natsu walks in, scaring the sh-I mean poop out of me. I scream and hide behind a pile of mess. "Where'd ya go?"  I peek out from behind it.
"DON'T! DO THAT!" I yell, tackling him.
"AAH!" Natsu screams as we fall to the floor.

Later that day we went to the guild and met up with Lucy.
"LUSHEE!" I exclaim as I fly towards her and hug her.
"Hey Happy." She says smiling. She looks at Natsu and smiles. He smiles back. Did I miss something? I feel like I missed something really important...
"Let's go on a job!" I say happily.

We picked a job that was easy considering only a few hours of the day remained. We had to go around and find missing eggs. Pink (me: *throws up*) eggs.
"There's one!" I say and fly over to it.
"And here's another!" Natsu points out. He walks over to it and picks it up, so does Lucy. They look at each other and blush.
"They liiiiiiike each other." I roll my tongue.
"SHUT UP CAT!" They both yell angrily at me.
"FLY AWAY!" I yell and fly away.

A few weeks pass and I still don't understand what I missed. I wake up one morning to find Natsu gone. I look next to his bed and find a note.

DeAr HaPpY,

LuCe AnD i ArE gOiNg AwAy FoR a FeW wEeKs. We WiLl Be BaCk SoOn. AtTaChEd To ThIs NoTe Is YoUr BiRtHdAy PrEsEnT fRoM lUcE iNcAsE wE aReNt BaCk In TiMe


The writing was terrible but he tried. Attached to the note was a brooch. I quickly take it and attach it to my bag.

I feel tears rush to my face. Is this how Lucy felt when we left her. I fly out of the house, screaming, hoping to find them before they get too far. But it's no use, I can't find them anywhere.

Lucy p.o.v

Natsu looks back at me and smiles, my hand in his. I smile back, blushing. Far behind us we hear screams, and my heart is trying to tug me to their owner. But we keep going forward. That's the only we can go in life.

Happy p.o.v

I solemnly fly back to the guild and sit down in front of Lisanna.
"What's wrong Happy?" She asks, concern on her face.
"Natsu and Lushee left..." I say, wiping a tear from my face. Lisanna smiles sweetly as if she knows what's going on.
"Don't worry about it Happy, I promise you'll like it in the end." She says and pulls me into a hug. Where were they?


Me: sorry it's short, I was out with my family today and am about to drop dead from exhaustion.
Mira: don't die!
Me: I'll try not to.
Mira: of you die there will be no more nalu!
Me: wow I feel so valued *<-- note the sarcasm*
Natsu: don't be mean Mira.
Lucy: shouldn't have done that.
Mira and Natsu: *running around everywhere Natsu being chased*
Me: anyway, everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeeeee!

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