Chapter twenty four

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat!
Natsu: KABOOM!
Happy: KABOOM!
Lucy: what are you doing?
Natsu: KABOOM!
Happy: KABOOM!
Lucy: o...k....
Me: let's start!


Happy p.o.v

We run to the main hall of the guild to find it almost completely destroyed.
"What happened?" Natsu asks Erza who's lying on the floor.
"I-I don't really know." She replies. "I was eating my strawberry cake, my poor strawberry cake, next thing I know, I was here, you'll forever be remembered strawberry cake. (Erza: how dare you kill my cake! | me: WHY ARE YOI EVEN HERE!? YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE! I-THIS IS A NALU BOOK *several more complaining and questioning*)" I fly over to a wall and touch it. OUCH THAT IS HOT!
"Ow ow ow ow." I half yell as I pull away, shaking my paw. "That's hot."
"Look! Over there!" Levy exclaims, pointing out to town.
"Is that a-?" I ask.
"Dragon." Natsu finishes.

The dragon was black with blue markings. (me: for the sake of the plot line working, pretend that the war is over, Acnologia and Zeref were killed, Natsu somehow survived and his demon form was taken from him, making him human. And everyone who died was revived by Lucy having a major power-up...or you can make that part up if you want.) it looked sort of familiar...
"Get down!" Mira yells everyone dives for cover as the dragon flies over the guild.
"We have to make sure Luce is ok!" Natsu says.
"I'm fine Natsu." Lucy's voice says. She emerged from the infirmary and is crouching down as she makes her towards us.

"What do we do?" Levy asks. Erza and Gray mange to make their ways towards us. We hide behind a table.
"I'll get the injured and townsfolk to safety, you try to distract the dragon." Wendy says.
"We careful Wendy!" I call out to her. Carla flies up and follows her, helping her carry the injured.

The dragon lands in front of what remains of the guild.
"Isn't that-?" Lucy exclaims.
"Acnologia." Natsu finishes.
"Didn't we kill him?" Gray asks.
"Apparently not enough..." Erza says.
"Hey guys..." Gajeel says. He'd made his way over to us when Wendy and Carla lifted some beams off him.
"What do we do?" Levy asks. The dragon roars loudly.
"I have an idea." Lucy says.

Lucy p.o.v

"What is it Luce?" Natsu asks.
"We need to get him to turn human. Then he will be smaller, thus, we can encircle and trap him, making it easier to kill him again." I explain.
"How do we do that?" Happy asks.
"I-I don't know..." I reply. We all look at the dragon once more and I spot a hole in its neck.
"There!" Levy exclaims, seeing it too. "It has a weak spot, even it Acnologia won't turn into a human, we can at least finish him in dragon form."
"Let's go then!" Erza says.
"HAI!" We all yell and run at the dragon.

We run but are knocked back by a claw. We run again but are knocked back by the tail.
"Dammit! We can't get close!" Natsu says angrily.
"I might be able to!" Happy says. "If you can keep him distracted, I can fly up there and end him!"
"Wait a minute!" Levy says. She summons a bomb, small and light enough for Happy to carry. "Press this red button when you're inside. You'll have to go far in so it explodes the whole of him. You'll have two minutes to get out once the button is pressed so be quick!"
"I will!" Happy takes the bomb and flies up.
"Let's go guys!" Gajeel says.

"OI! FLAME BREATH!" Gray yells, getting the dragons attention.
"WHO YOU CALLING FLAME BREATH!?" Natsu yells the other side of the dragon. The dragon looks at Natsu and my heart skips a beat.
"I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU!" Gray yells, getting the dragons attention once more.
"THAT IS MY INSULT! YOU CANNOT USE THAT INSULT ON ANOTHER PERSON! IT IS DISRESPECTFUL!" Natsu yells. The dragon turns its head and looks at Natsu.
"Let's not let them have all the fun!" Gajeel says, a smirk on his face. "WILL YOU TWO STOP FIGHTING!"
"NO!" They both yell. The dragon throws its head back in fury. I raise my Leo and Virgo key and swirl them around, creating loud fireworks in the sky. The dragon looks at them and I spot Happy enter through the hole.

"HYA!" Erza grunts as she swings her sword around aimlessly. This distraction has no coordination at all... every time one of the boys yell, the dragon looks at them. When they themselves fight, it watches Erza failing to hit him on purpose. Levy was throwing books at it and I was swirling keys around. It's almost like this was comedy show! Well I hope Acnologia is entertained.

I hear a loud tick and know what's going to happen.
"EVERYONE GET DOWN!" I yell. Everyone dives for a safe place. Natsu tackling me and pulling me behind a fire resistant building. I'm glad Magnolia was Natsu-proofed now. There's a loud boom and Natsu covers my body with his. I hope everyone else is ok. Debris fly past us and hit nearby buildings.

At last it's over. We come out from behind cover and head back to the battle sight. Erza arrives with Gray. Gajeel is carrying an unconscious Levy. Natsu helps me up a steep slope. Where's Happy.

(Me: you're all going to hate me now....)

A piece of green cloth flies past my face. I quickly reach up and grab it. This is....
"NOOOOOOOO!" I scream and fall to the floor. Tears quickly forming in my eyes. Natsu gets down to my level and puts an arm around me.
"What's wrong Luce?" He asks. I pass him the green cloth and a tear appears in his eye.
"Have faith yet, maybe his bag was destroyed but he made it out." Erza says, hopeful.

We search the entire area and couldn't find anything.
"Can you smell him?" Gray asks Gajeel, not wanting to disturb Natsu as we desperately search the area again.
"No...the only things I can smell are us, a distant smell of Acnologia but no blue cat..." he says solemnly.
"HE HAS TO BE HERE!" Natsu screams. I find a note on the floor, it's relatively intact.

Natsu and Lucy.

I managed to plant the bomb. But...I'm trapped. As I was flying out a piece of his flesh blocked my path. I'm sitting here awaiting my death. I hear you fighting the dragon outside and I'm glad I got to call you my friends and my family.

I'm sitting here writing this note so you don't get false hope. I will be gone when you read this. But I'm always with you. It sounds really cheesy now that I write this...

I hear the bomb ticking and I'm rushing to finish this. I love you guys. Don't forget me. Tell Carla I'm fine. I'll see you soon



Me: don't hate meeee!
Happy: *sleeping on a tree*
Me: he's right there!
Happy: *oblivious to what's going on*
Me: we also need to deal with you!
Erza: please let me stay, I want to see Natsu grow up without me.
Me: fine, you can stay for the rest of the story.
Erza: where's my cake?
Me: anyway, everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeee!

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