Chapter eight

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat!
Mira: I have my breathing bag this time!
Lucy: thank goodness...
Happy: that beam was really heavy...
Natsu: aye...
Me: let's start!


Lucy p.o.v

Now that Mira is finally calmed down, Natsu, Happy and I sit at the bar and catch our breaths.
"That was certainly...something..." I say while panting. We'd lifted all the beams and the balcony back to where it should be.
"Aye..." Happy says.
"Ooh! I need to go!" I say, suddenly remembering something.
"Where ya going Luce?" Natsu asks.
"Shopping." I reply.
"Can I come?" Happy asks.
"Nope!" I say as I get up and walk out.

I walk around the market trying to find something.
"What to get...what to get?" I mutter to myself. I'm out buying something for Happy. Fish? No...Happy gets them all the time. Then something shiny catches my eye.

 Then something shiny catches my eye

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I walk up to the stand.
"How much is this fish brooch?" I ask the shopkeeper.
"10000 jewels." He responds. Well then... I press my chest together and lift my leg up.
"Think you can lower it down a bit?" I say, winking at him. He has a nosebleed...I'm hoping I'm not showing more than I intend to...
"Uh-hh...tell ya what, I can give it to you for 500 jewels." He says nervously. I put my leg down and stop pressing my chest together.
"Thanks." I say, giggling a little and paying him. I take the brooch and put it in my key pouch. It was the only place I could put it...

I decide to get some new clothes while I'm here. I walk into the nearest shop I find and look around. Then I see Lisanna.

"I'm dating Lisanna!"

I shake my head and ignore the flashback. Lisanna's such a nice girl (me: TO ALL YOU LISANNA HATERS OUT THERE! LISANNA BE NICE!) and she doesn't know about the think I told Mira. I walk up to her.
"Hi Lisanna!" I say cheerily. She looks at me and smiles.
"Hi Lucy!" She replies back happily. "What you doing here?"
"I was in the market to buy something for Happy, and now I'm here to buy some new clothes." I respond.
"What did you get him?" She asks excitedly. I show her the brooch and she gasps. "Omg! How much did it cost?"
"500 jewels." I say. Well it did in the end.
"Lets shop together!" Lisanna suddenly squeals as he passes me the brooch back.
"O-Ok!" I say, recovering from the shock of her outburst.

We spend hours looking around. In the end we pick one outfit each that we go to try on.

 In the end we pick one outfit each that we go to try on

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(Me: NOT MINE! And Lucy's.)

(Me: NOT MINE! And Lisanna's)

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(Me: NOT MINE! And Lisanna's)

We go in the changing rooms opposite each other.
"Hey, Lucy, can I ask you something?" Lisanna asks as I take my top off.
"Sure, what is it?" I respond.
"Well...I need advice." Lisanna says.
"What on?" I say as I fumble around with my skirt, trying to get it off.
"What would the best way be to end something with someone but still be friends?" She asks. I think for a little bit.
"I'm gonna need more detail than that." I say. "Tell me what's going on, you can trust me." I start trying on the jeans and top.
"Well, I've been thinking about breaking up with Natsu." Lisanna says. My heart skips a beat.
"W-Why's that?" I ask.
"His mind just seems to be occupied when I'm around him...and I think he likes someone else." My heart beats faster at this. Could it be me!? Stop being so stupid Lucy...thee are hundreds of girls in the guild, he'd never chose you over them...
"R-Really?" I ask as I take the clothes off, satisfied with how they fit.
"And...I think I like someone else too..." she says.
"TELL ME!" I say in a voice that reminds me of Mira.
"If I did, it would take all the fun out of it." She says giggling.

I go home with so many questions on my mind. Who did Lisanna like? Who did Natsu like? How should Lisanna break up with him? I still hadn't given her advice, but I planned to come up with some tonight!


Me: and that is that
Happy: AYE SIR!
Me: what's wrong Natsu, you're being awfully quiet ;)
Natsu: *nosebleed from earlier* I-I'm not b-being quiet! You're being quiet!
Lucy: I have no words.
Me: everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeee!

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