Chapter fourteen

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat!
Natsu: TO SAVE LUCY! *runs off*
Lucy: again?
Happy: aye! *follows Natsu*
Mira: they really care about you Lucy...
Me: I just got them back...*sob*
Mira: *comforting Author* there there.
Me: let's start...


Happy p.o.v

"WE NEED HELP!"I yell as we enter.
"What is it?" Sting asks. He was standing by the entrance with Rogue and Yukino. They looked like they we about to go on a job. (Me: well done if you guessed correctly)
"Lucy's disappeared and we don't know how to get her back other than that we need a celestial Mage to help us so please pleas please please PLEASE help us!" Natsu says quickly.
"Huh?" Rogue asks confused. I repeat what Natsu said at a slower pace and they nod in understanding.
"Come with me, I think I know how to help you." Yukino says. We all walk to the back of the guild and into a small office.

There is a small bookshelf in the corner. Yukino walks over to it and pulls out a black book. It has angel wings engraved on it. She places it on a desk and we all crowd around her.
"I didn't know that was there." Sting says.
"I've kept it there for years." Yukino says. "The discovery of the creatures this book explains was discovered by Hisui shortly after the dragons attacked, but it was kept secret by celestial mages, since only we could access it. I was handed the original copy of this book and have kept it safe."
"Why do you need to keep it hidden? It doesn't look dangerous..." Natsu says as he reaches forward to open it. Yukino slaps his hand.
"Don't!" She exclaims. "Only a celestial Mage can open it, and even then its dangerous without the right technique." Yukino places her two gold keys on the cover and they begin to glow. The keys fly into the air and spin round. The book opens and the keys appear back where Yukino got them from.
"That didn't look hard." Rogue says.
"It only works when the spirits of they keys have a close bond." Yukino explains. "Now tell me what happened."

We explain to Yukino exactly what happened and she frowns. She turns some pages.
"Here!" She says. We all crowd closer to look. "'The realm of black angels is the prison for the golden ones'" she reads.
"What does that mean?" I ask.
"I'm guessing, when Lucy banished the sunshine gargoyle, doing so sent her here." Yukino guesses.
"But Luce isn't an angel." Natsu states.
"It's a metaphor." Rogue says. Natsu makes an 'O' with his mouth in understanding.

"And here!" Yukino starts reading again. "'The guardian warrior of the golden angels shall set them free. Then, they shall fly free.' Someone breaks them out and they...take revenge?"
"How do we do that?" Sting asks. Yukino turns a few more pages.
"It says 'the light from another golden angel shall brighten the way', I would guess I have to open a portal." Yukino says. She reads a bit more. "Here's a spell. We need a few things."

We set up. A lot of candles were involved. They were arranged in an X with rose petals scattered around the place. Occasionally, the flowers were set on fire, but Natsu managed to put it out.
"Ready?" Yukino asks. We all nod. Sting and Rogue stand out of the way. Yukino sits down by one of the candles and Natsu and I stand behind her.

"Light of the eternal darkness, grant me the strength to break the barrier of this world and alter another. Allow me to fulfil the purpose of the black angels and progress in mine... Eien no yami no mon... Ake! (Me: translation: Portal of eternal!)"

A black circle appears above the middle of the X. It makes a quiet noise that seems...comforting. Sting and Rogue opens their mouths in shock.
"It'll only open...for one...person....hurry..." Yukino struggles to speak. I know what I have to do.

I quickly flap my wings. I'm sorry Natsu.
"HAPPY!" Natsu screams. I fly through the portal and soon hear it close behind me.

I'll get her back.

For both of us.


Me: it's really tempting to be mean and end the story here.
Mira: NO!
Me: relax! I wasn't going to!
Mira: good.
Happy: Lol nope!
Natsu: GRRRRR!
Lucy: help!
Me: everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeee!

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