Chapter two

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat!
Me: *groaning*
Mira: what's wrong?
Me: my siblings seem to think I'm a horse....
Natsu and Happy: *laughing*
Lucy: *shaking head at them*
Mira: that's gotta
Me: yeah...not so much, anyway, let's start!


Happy p.o.v

Natsu freezes and I crash into him. He turns around to look at me.
"What's wrong with Lisanna?" He asks. Don't get me wrong, I love Lisanna...but she wasn't very maternal...and besides, we rarely ever see her anymore!
"Nothing's wrong with her!" I quickly say. "It's just....we rarely ever see her anymore..."
"Oh I get it!" Natsu says, clicking his fingers. Or trying to.
"You do?" I reply happily. Could it be that Natsu has finally found his brain. Could he finally have realised? Is this the moment we've all been waiting for?

"We'll spend more time with Lisanna!" Natsu states.
"That's not what I meant..." I quietly say.
"Well what did you mean?" Natsu asks, hearing what I said. I sigh and continue flying home. "Tell me! TELL MEEEEEE!" Natsu yells all the way home.

Lucy p.o.v

I'm laying in my bed. I've changed into a vest and some shorts since it was hot tonight. My keys are beside me and my arm is on my head. I've been thinking a lot recently. I need to ask Mira something tomorrow.

I struggle to get to sleep, so I simply lay still. Suddenly, there's a crash at my window. I sit up and my thoughts fly to Natsu.
"Again?" I ask aloud. "And at this time?" I open the window and am attacked by a blue cat. "GAH!" I scream as we fall back and off my bed.
"Hi Lushee!" Happy says.
"Hey Happy." I say, sitting up and rubbing my back. "Is something wrong?"
"No....just Natsu being a dense idiot." He says, seeming to frown a little.
"Isn't he always?" I say laughing a little. "But what did he do now?"
"Well, you know how my birthday is coming up?" He asks and I nod. "Well I asked for something and he took it the complete wrong way!" Naturally. I pat his head.
"What was it you wanted?" I ask. Now my mind was thinking 'fish fish fish fish' and 'new hair'.
"A new mum." Happy says plainly. Not what I was thinking...

"A-A new mum?" I stutter. "What about Lisanna?"
"I still like's just that I want someone better!" He says.
"Happy, you can't change who your parents are." I tell him. "As much as we don't like them, or think that someone else would be better, they're our parents and we can't change that."
"But Lisanna is my adoptive mother!" Happy complains.
"Who is it you wanted to be your new mum anyway?" I ask, curiosity getting the better of me.
"It was you!" He says smiling brightly.

I feel a heavy blush come to my cheeks and the arm supporting me nearly gave way.
"Uhhh...m-me!?" I exclaim.
"Aye!" Happy cheers. "You're usually so kind to me and you're always helping me and you always give me fish and-"
"Happy." I say and he stops. "I can't be your mum, I'm sorry." He looks at me shocked.
"W-Why?" He asks, upset.
"Because...because Lisanna is your mum, I don't want to hurt her." I explain. "And besides...if I became your mum then Natsu and I would have to..."
"But Lisanna and Natsu aren't..." Happy says. Wow he's smarter than Natsu...
"That was different." I explain. "If Lisanna hadn't been taken to Edolas then they would've. And they were really close when they adopted you."
"B-B-But!" Happy complains. I rub his head.
"Maybe another day." I say smiling and trying to cheer him up.

Happy p.o.v

This is going to be harder than I thought. I want Lucy as my mum! And she and Natsu are perfect for each other! Everyone at the guild can see it! I'm gonna need some help...


Me: sorry it's so short, but I need to start the next bit in a new chapter.
Happy: AYE SIR!
Every Nalu Shipper: AYE SIR!
Natsu: AYE SIR!
Lucy: WHY DID YOU GO AYE SIR! *blushing*
Mira: isn't it obvious?
Me: everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeeee!

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