Chapter fifteen

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat!
Happy: fly, fly away! *flies away*
Natsu: GET BACK HERE! *chases Happy*
Lucy: again?
Mira: join in Lucy!
Lucy: no!
Mira: awww....
Me: let's start!


Lucy p.o.v

I don't know how long had passed. I had no way to tell the time other than when Anjerika brought me food, but that was only at breakfast, lunch and dinner. I think I hear someone yell but when I listen closely, nothings there. I lay down on the bed and place an arm over my eyes. Is this how I'm going to spend the rest of my life? Will Anjerika be able to get me out? I close my eyes and let sleep claim me.

Happy p.o.v

The last I heard of Natsu was him screaming my name and telling me to 'get my butt back here'. I have to get Lucy back. But where is she? The place over ended up is a corridor made of stone. No doors. No windows. I decide to do something that would get me killed in a horror movie.
"LUSHEE! WHERE ARE YOU!?" I scream at the top of my lungs. No reply. Only one thing to do. I fly forward while calling her name.

Lucy p.o.v

"LUSHEEEEE!" A loud yell awakens me. Is that...? "LUSHEEEEEE!" There it is again!
"Happy!?" I exclaim loudly. I sit up and run to a wall. "HAPPY!" I yell. I run to all the walls and call his name.
"L-Lushee!?" Happy's voice exclaims. "Where are you!?"
"Here...I'm right here!" I yell, a tear coming to my eye. They came...
"Keep yelling Lushee!" Happy yells.
"Happy! Happy!" I keep yelling his name.
"Stand back!" Happy's voice says. I stand in the middle of the room. "MAX SPEED!" The wall crashes and there is...
"Happy!" I exclaim. I run to him and pull him into my arms., relief washing over me "I missed you." It's good to see someone I care for again.
"I missed you too Lushee!" He says smiling. "Let's get you out of here!"

"Wait." I say before he drags me out. He looks at me confused. "I listen intently. Roar~~~~
"Hear that?" I ask. Roar~~~~~
"What is that?" Happy asks.
"The black guardian (me: not being racist!)" I say. "We have to hurry!" I grab his paw and sprint out.

"Please tell me you have a plan to get out of here." I say. Happy's silent. Great. At least he's here I guess...I wonder where Natsu is...
"Where are you two going?" A feminine voice asks.

Natsu p.o.v
(Natsu: for the first time in forever~)

"HAPPY!" I scream. The portal closes and Yukino collapses. Sting runs over and catches her. I fall to my knees and tears spring to my eyes. Not you too...."Happy....Lucy...." I sob.
"She's out cold." Sting says as he checks Yukino's temperature.
"You alright Natsu?" Rogue asks.
"Alright?" I repeat angrily, looking at him. "No I'm not alright! I lost my two best friends within three hours!"
"Calm down Natsu." Sting says. "There will be a way to get them back. There always is." Why did you both have to leave me.
"Go back home, get some rest, we'll figure something out." Rogue says.
"Let me know as soon as you find something." I say and walk out. My heart aching.

For once in my life, my motion sickness didn't kick in on the train. Maybe it's because my mind is too busy wondering  where my friends are to realise I'm moving in a train. Are you two ok? I look out the window and at the sky. Please come back...


Me: there.
Lucy and Happy: *run away in fear*
Natsu: *runs after them*
Mira: lead them to a nice place Happy ;)
Mira: you lost it ages ago.
Me: ...
Mira: *begins drawing*
Me: anyway, everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeee!

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