Chapter seventeen

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat!
Me: just a heads up, this chapter will be shorter...we had a thunderstorm and I have to help dry everything. Sorry!
Natsu: I'll help!
Lucy: I don't think it works like that...
Natsu: sure it does *climbs out of screen*
Mira: well that's a new 4th wall breaking...
Happy: aye...
Me: eh...let's start


Lucy p.o.v

Bang. Crash.
"Ow." Happy says. I look round and see.
"Natsu!" I exclaim. He had fallen out of nowhere and landed on poor Happy. I throw my arms around him, squishing Happy more.
"Help!" Happy pleads, struggling for breath. We get up.

"What were you thinking!?" Natsu asks as he shakes my shoulders.
"I to...answer you....but please...stop shaking me..." I struggle to say as he violently shakes me.
"Oh, sorry." He says and stops.
"I did it because it was the only way to stop the sunshine gargoyle." I explain.
"But we could've just run!" He protests.
"And have it chase us down for the rest of what would've been our short lives?" I finish. He sighs and pouts. I turn around to walk away but I feel arms embrace me.
"N-Natsu?" I ask, my face heating up.
"I'm just glad you're ok Luce..." he says softly in my ear.
"Come on you two lovebirds!" Happy says. "We need to keep up with Anjerika and her sister!"

We run. We have to. Or it will find us.
"How much further?" Happy asks.
"Not long." Anjerika responds. Her sister leads us down a turn.
"How did you even get here?" I ask Natsu.
"A woman made a portal that led me to you, in return, I have to watch over her child." He says.
"Doesn't that mean you'll leave?" I ask sadly.
"No, she'll bring it to me, I don't have to parent it, just keep it safe." He explains.
"I see." I reply, deep in thought. I start imagining Natsu as a father to this child and a blush creeps across my face.

A few minutes later I trip over.
"Ow!" I complain as my face hits the floor first.
"You alright Lushee?" Happy asks.
"Just peachy." I sarcastically respond. I stand up and pain shoots through my leg. It's badly bruised.
"Such a clutz..." Anjerika says with a humor I didn't know she possessed. Her sister shakes her head.
"How bad is it?" Happy asks. I try moving towards him, only to be rewarded with more pain. It was the leg I had been scratched with. It wasn't bandaged properly and was bleeding again. Natsu bends down, tears some of his clothes off and wraps it around my leg.
"That'll have to do." He says. "I'll carry you. Happy! Lift!"
"AYE SIR!" Happy cheers as he lifts me on to Natsu's back.
"H-Hey! Don't I have a say in this?" I complain as Natsu supports me with his hands, not to close to tushee (me: as Juvia says).
"Hehe nope!" Natsu says as he grins. He starts running again before I put my arms around his neck. He's so warm...

We seem to be moving a lot faster now. Was I slowing everyone down?
"Here we are." Anjerika says at last. Happy drops to the floor in exhaustion.
"Thank fish, I can't wait to get home and eat some tasty salmon." He says. The room we were in was large, and circular. At the far end was a hill, covered in grass and a singular tree.
"That tree will get you o-" Anjerika starts but is interrupted by a loud 'roar'.


Me: it turned out longer than I expected.
Natsu: *climbs back in through the screen* it's so boring out there.
Me: isn't it?
Mira: you should join us Author!
Me: I want to T.T
Happy: AYE SIR!
Lucy: *passes tissues*
Me: *takes them* anyway, everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeee!

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