Chapter twelve

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat!
Happy: AYE SIR!
Lucy: help me!
Me: let's start!


Lucy p.o.v

Natsu and Happy quickly stand up, Natsu pulling me with him.
"There ya are!" Natsu says, putting his fist together.
"Let's get 'em!" Happy yells.
"WAIT!" I yell at them as they run at the gargoyle. The gargoyle swipes it's claws and they fall to the side.
"M-My magic!?" Natsu exclaims. "It's depleted!"
"That's what I was trying to tell you!" I yell at them.

Natsu and Happy run to my side.
"What do we do Lushee?" Happy asks.
"I have an idea." I say. Truth be told, I knew what I had to do before we arrived. "Try to get it on the floor. But avoid using magic!"
"HAI!" They both half yell. Happy flies above it. The gargoyle runs at me but Natsu kicks it away, sending it sprawling. Happy crashes down on it. Natsu and I run forward and hold its arms down.

"What now?" Natsu asks.
"Happy, hold this arm down!" I yell. Happy nods and takes the arm I'm holding. I quickly move round to the back and tie its wings together with my whip before it uses them to attack. I use the rest of my whip to tie the legs together.
"Luce, we can't hold it for much longer!" Natsu says. "You got an idea?"
"Just hang on!" I half yell. The gargoyle's talon on one of its feet catches my leg and leaves a bad cut. It starts bleeding.
"Luce!" Natsu exclaims and is about to run to me.
"Keep it steady!" I half yell at him, he reluctantly nods and stays where he is.

I quickly move to the front of the gargoyle, ignoring the pain in my leg, and kneel down. It's teeth trying to bite me.
"Be careful Lushee." Happy says worriedly. I place all of my keys in front of me.
"Ancient keys of light." I chant. My keys glow brightly. "Dispel the darkness falsely tainted with light. Wash away the sins of this creature. Rebuild its purpose. Replace all it has took. And heal all it has hurt." My keys glow brighter and a figure floats above them.

" My keys glow brighter and a figure floats above them

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"What are you willing to offer for the desecration of this creature?" She asks in a deep voice. Natsu and Happy look at me confused. I chant the necessary words.
"I offer my soul, my life, my existence." I chant. Natsu's eyes widen and Happy has a tear in his eye. They both run to me but it's too late. The girl snaps her fingers and I disappear.

Happy p.o.v

The girl turns around and snaps her fingers. The sunshine gargoyle disappears.
"LUCY!" Natsu screams. Her keys are where she left them...but they seem duller than usual. Natsu falls to the floor, holds the keys to his chest and cries. I pick up Lucy's whip and place it near him, trying to hold back the tears. I angrily look at the girl, who was looking at where the sunshine gargoyle once was.
"I sent her to another dimension." She says simply. "It was the only way to kill the gargoyle. But she'll be ok, she'll live in comfort for the rest of her days."
"F**k (Me: HE SAID A NAUGHTY WORD! | everyone: *exaggerated gasp*) living in comfort for the rest of her days." Natsu says sternly as he stands up, Lucy's keys and whip attached to his belt. "How do we get her back?"
"The only way to get her back is to go through a portal in the celestial world." The girl explains. "But even then, you need a celestial Mage to give you the correct clothing." Natsu walks off.
"Where are you going?" I ask.
"I'm getting my Luce back."


Me: done!
Mira: there had better be nalu moments to make up for this....
Me: ;)
Mira: EEEEE!
Natsu: I'll save you Luce! *runs off in a random direction*
Lucy: *sweatdrops* I'm right here!
Happy: aye!
Me: anyway, everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeee!

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