Chapter eighteen

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat!
Mira: what is it?
Me: I can't spell eight without autocorrect...
Mira: oh...
Natsu: even I can spell it!
Lucy: go on then.
Natsu: A T E, ate!
Happy: aye!
Me: wrong eight... anyway, let's start!


Lucy p.o.v

"Quickly! Get to the tree!" Anjerika says and we sprint across the room, me still on Natsu's back. Roar~~~~
"Hurry!" Happy says as he flies faster. Roar~~~~
I snuggle closer to Natsu's back and bury my face in his hair. The roar was intimidating to say the least.
"You alright Luce?" Natsu asks, sensing my movement.
"I'll be fine." I respond.

We get to the tree and find a small wooden door.
"This door will take you back to Fiore. Just remember to imagine where you're going." Anjerika says. Chōwa looks at the entrance and widens her eyes. Hers and Anjerika's eyes start glowing.
"He's here." Chōwa says. I thought she was mute. A large creature bounds towards us.

 A large creature bounds towards us

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(Me: not mine!)

The door disappears.
"We'll have to fight." Natsu says. He gently gets me off of his back. Natsu hands me my keys and whip, which were attached to his belt. I bring out Loke and Virgo's keys and ready my whip. Natsu's hand is aflame. Happy flies into the air. The sisters glow a deadly aura.

The creature bounds towards us, roaring. The sisters run forwards and turn into winged wolves.

(Me: again, not mine, and this is how both of them look, just with red eyes)

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(Me: again, not mine, and this is how both of them look, just with red eyes)

"OPEN! GATE OF THE LION! MAIDEN! LOKE! VIRGO!" I yell, summoning my companions.
"We must get out of here Hime." Virgo says.
"I agree." Loke says.
"There's no way out of here! We need to defeat that creature!" I explain. The sisters begin to claw and bite at the creature.
"We can take you through the celestial spirit world, but we have to hurry." Virgo says. Natsu stands protectively in front of me as one of the wolves are thrown back towards us.
"What about them?" I ask.
"Once we leave, the creature will stop attacking and they'll continue their normal lives." Loke explains.
"And everyone else trapped here?" I ask.
"They've already gone." He says and I know what he means. (Lucy: this isn't going to be explained or linked back to later, so they've basically gone insane and lost their minds.)
"Lets go." Natsu says.

Virgo disappears and soon reappears with celestial clothes. Natsu, Happy and I quickly change into them. Virgo covering me and Loke making sure we weren't hurt.
"Hurry!" Happy says. Loke grabs Happy and Virgo grabs me and Natsu. Next thing we know, we're in the celestial realm.

Anjerika p.o.v
(Me: just to show you what's going on with her)

There was a blinding light behind us and our boss soon turned tail and left. Chōwa and I reverted our form and returned to our normal lives, knowing we had got someone out safe. This was sure to put everyone in better spirits and maybe...maybe one day we can get everyone out safely. Farewell Lucy, Natsu and Happy. Live long and be prosperous.

Lucy p.o.v

Loke and Virgo dropped us off where we had fought the golden gargoyle and given us back our original clothes. We're now sitting on the grass.
"Weren't the guild supposed to be coming?" Happy asks.
"When I got home the day after you went to get Luce, the guild was empty, so I assumed they were somewhere else." Natsu replies to him. I stand up and hold my hand out to Natsu.
"Let's head back, we're bound to find something." I say. He takes my hand and I pull him up, a slight blush on my cheeks.


Me: home sweet home.
Happy: aye!
Mira: so, uh, when will Nalu happen?
Me: patience my fellow shipper, patience.
Lucy: O///O
Me: it's not the right time ;)
Mira: oh ;)
Natsu: it's really scary when they do that.
Happy: aye..
Me: anyway, everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeee!

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