Chapter six

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat
Happy: AYE SIR!
Natsu: AYE SIR!
Lucy: this is getting to be near every time.
Mira: they love Nalu so much.
Natsu and Happy: AYE SIR!
Natsu: wait what!?
Mira: hehe
Me: let's start!


Lucy p.o.v

As we walk I snuggle closer to Natsu, his scarf keeping me warm. My heart races and my face is flushed. He's so warm. And he's not complaining! Bonus!

"We're here." Natsu says out of the blue. I look up and see that he's right.

 I look up and see that he's right

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(Me: as per usual....NOT MINEEEEE!)

"It's so pretty." I say, looking at the pink leaves. Natsu and I walk under it. I pull away from him and lean against the trunk, staring happily at the leaves.
"Where's Happy?" Natsu asks.
"I don't know..." I reply. I swear I just heard a giggle above me. Natsu seems to have heard it too and looks up.
"There's something up there." Natsu says. He jumps up and climbs the tree. I walk underneath and look up.
"You see anything!?" I call out.
"AAH!" Natsu screams as he falls down and lands on top of me.
"Ow...." I struggle to get out. "You really need to go on a diet..."
"HEY!" He complains. "Says you! You're really heavy!"
"You're not the one being flattened by a dragon slayer who eats EVERYTHING!" I yell. He gets up and pulls me up with him.

"So you see anything up there?" I ask.
"Jus a squirrel." He says.
"Where is that damn cat?" I ask to no one in particular. There's a rustle above us and a red tulip falls down and lands in Natsu's hand. "I'm pretty sure red tulips don't grow in cherry blossoms..." Natsu doesn't seem to have heard me. He walks over to me and rests his forehead against mine. "W-What are you doing?" I stutter. My heart starts racing. My face puts Erza's hair to shame. I could've sworn there was some red on his cheeks. He places something in my hair and walks away. He sits down by the trunk. I reach up to my hair and find the red tulip. I smile to myself before sitting beside him.

"GET UP LOVEBIRDS!" Happy's voice yells. We must've fallen asleep. I quickly open my eyes, seeing it's morning, and try to stand up...only to be pulled down. I look at my arm and see that it's been tied with red string, attaching it to Natsu's.
"What did you do!?" I yell at Happy. Happy sniggers.
"Hehe noooothing." Happy says in a mocking tone. I growl. Yes, I growled. It was very threatening.
"What's going on?" Natsu asks who only just woke up.
"Lushee liiii-" Happy starts before I interrupt him.
"HAPPY TIED OUR ARMS TOGETHER!" I yell. Natsu covers his ears.
"Quiet down." He says. He look at our arms and his cheeks are tinted red. "It's not so bad." He says grinning.
"I meant that now I can keep you safe." Natsu explains. My face, once again, puts Erza's hair to shame.
"I-yo-I-j- just untie us...or burn it...whichever is easier..." I stutter, hiding my face using my hair. I use my other hand to move Happy away. I feel a gentle flame near my arm and I'm free. FREEDOM!

We decide to go to the guild today. I force Happy in between Natsu and I. Ack! My cheeks won't stop blushing! I lower my head so my bangs cover my face. We walk into the guild and Mira looks at us...a scary look on her face. She's been fangirling again, hasn't she...
"GRAY! MAN TALK!" Natsu yells as he runs in to find Gray.
"AYE SIR!" Happy yells as he follows. I walk over to Mira, bracing myself.

"Sooooo, did you have fun last night?" Mira asks in a 'I-know-what-you-did-but-I'm-not-going-to-tell-you-and-I-secretly-fangirled' tone.
"No." I reply simply. Although my cheeks still said otherwise...I hate my cheeks...
"Oh, what happened?" Mira asks, smiling. I tell her everything that happened. "Operation: Nalu, 25% complete." She mutters under breath.
"What was that?" I ask, making sure I heard right.
"Nothing!" She smiles innocently. She's so scary sometimes...
"50%!" Happy randomly yells as he flies up in the air.
"Correction: Operation: Nalu: 50% complete." Mira mutters under her breath.
"What are you on about?" I ask her.

Happy p.o.v
A few minutes ago

Natsu and I run over to Gray, who's standing with Lisanna and Bixlow.
"MAKE ME FLAME BRAIN!" Gray yells. Suddenly their heads are smashed together. Yay! Erza's back from her job!
"NO ARGUING!" Erza yells before going back to her strawberry cake. Lisanna and Bixlow walk up to them. I land on Natsu's shoulder since my magic was beginning to run out.
"What is it you want fla-I mean Natsu." Gray corrects himself after seeing Erza's glare. She's really angry today...
"MAN TALK!" Natsu yells.
"Don't be so loud!" Gray complains.
"You can't tell me wha-I mean...s-sorry." Natsu corrects himself.
"What's this about?" Gray asks.
"There's something wrong with me!" Natsu half yells.
"You only just realised that?" Gray asks, earning a bash on the head from Erza. We all move away from Erza.

"What's wrong Natsu?" Lisanna asks.
"Guy talk." I tell Lisanna. Natsu, obviously embarrassed, pulls out a piece of paper from nowhere and writes on it. Or at least tries. His e's where the wrong way round and he was ranging from capitals and lowercases. He hands it to Gray who reads it with curiosity. I jump onto Gray's shoulder, much to Natsu's annoyance and read it. I fly into the air and yell to Mira.


Me: a nice long-ish chapter to make up for my lack of writing.
Mira: 50%! 50%! *violently shaking her cage.
Lucy: *hiding behind Natsu*
Mira: *more shaking*
Natsu: *grabs Luce and hides behind author*
Me: don't hide behind me! I can't control her when she's like this!
Happy: AYE SIR!
Me: anyway, everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeee!
Mira: *violently shaking and screams slowly fade out until you scroll down or exit*

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