Chapter five

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat!
Happy: AYE SIR!
Mira: heheh...operation Nalu....heheh....
Lucy: I'm scared.
Natsu: aye....
Me: let's start!


Lucy p.o.v

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I scream as I kick them both into the wall.
"H-How do you wear those things?" Natsu asks with a nosebleed.
"Th-they're so...revealing..." Happy says, shivering.
"THEY'RE NOT THAT REVEALING!" I scream before turning to Natsu. "And I place them around my body, clip the clip at the back and pull the straps up." I just told him how I put a bra on...I mentally face palm and scold myself. I sigh and walk to the dresser where I keep my tissues. I pull one out of the box and give it to Natsu, who happily takes it and covers his nose. I shoo them out of my room so I can change. I put on a simple blue vest and black shorts before walking out to join them.

"You took your time." Natsu says, his arms folded.
"Says the person who takes forever eating." I say.
"I don't take forever to eat!" Natsu protests. "I eat really quickly!"
"That's only when you're eating normal human sized portions." I tell him.

"Will you two lovebirds stop flirting for five minutes!" Happy complains.
"WE'RE NOT FLIRTING!" Natsu and I yell in perfect synch.
"Uh huh." Happy smirks. "Anyway, meet me by the cherry blossom at sundown!"
"You telling me that you dragged me away from my food, to Luce's, to tell me this?" Natsu says. My heart skips a beat at my nickname.
"Aye!" Happy says before flying away.

"My food was delicious!" Natsu complains. "That damn cat took me away from it..."
"Aww, is Natsu angwy?" I tease him.
"N-No!" He says, trying to hide his blushing face in his scarf. He's co cute when he blushes!
"Aww, Natsu angwy, should Luce make Natsu some fwood?" I say teasingly. He nods eagerly and I giggle.

The rest of the day was spent me making food and Natsu eating it. Why can't he get his own food? I'm now in my room and putting a jacket over me, since it was going to be cold. I walk out and Natsu and I walk to the cherry blossom tree.

"It's colder tonight." I point out as I wrap the jacket around me tighter.
"You should've worn some warmer clothes then." Natsu says.
"At least you'd be warmer..." he says. I shiver a little and hold myself, trying to find heat. Natsu sighs and puts his scarf around me, making me blush.
"N-Natsu." I say, trying to find words.
"Now you won't be cold." He says, grinning and blushing a little. I smile to myself. I unconsciously reach for his arm and snuggle close to him. So warm...


Me: apologies for it being so short, but my grandparents are round and I didn't have a lot of time.
Mira: NALU!
Happy: AYE SIR!
Natsu: you really should wear better clothes Luce.
Lucy: what's wrong with these ones?
Mira: they just give Natsu nosebleeds.
Natsu and Lucy: *blushing*
Me: everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeee!

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