Chapter twenty one

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat!
Me: so this chapter is going to be longer...
Me: 'overload'? I thought you could never have enough Nalu.
Mira: hmm...true...I need to rethink my phrasing...
Happy: aye!
Lucy: lets st-
Lucy: *sweat drops*
Me: *clears throat* let's start.


Happy p.o.v

I wake up. I stare at the ceiling. Hoping that Natsu would burst through the door. Maybe he forgot something! At this thought I instantly fly up and start to turn the house inside out.

I go into Natsu's room and see a woven basket on his bed. I peer into it and see a baby. (Me: WARNING! If you've read/reading my story 'In The Land Of Fairies' this is going to be a tiny spoiler. If you don't want to know, please skip this paragraph!) from what I could tell, it was male. He had white hair and hazel eyes with white wolf features. He was looking straight at me. There was a note on top of the blanket that covered him. It read: his name is Lucas Regal, please watch over him Natsu. Give him to the Grewhinds if you can't look after him, just make sure he grows up safely and happily - Tsuki

(Mira: for those that skipped, the child must be given to a family so they can parent him while Natsu watches over him) I pick up the basket and fly to the guild. Maybe Mira will know where I can find this family.
"Mira!" I half yell as I enter. People throw strange looks at me but soon ignore me.
"What is it Happy?" She asks. Her eyes see the baby in the basket. "IS THAT A NALU BABY!" She asks excitedly.
"No!" I respond. I pass her the note that told me what to do. She reads it and nods her head.
"I see." She says. "Give me the baby, I'll see he gets to the right family. In the meantime, until Natsu gets back that is, you'll have to watch over him, as the note says."
"AYE SIR!" I yell as she takes the basket and places it on the counter beside her.

A few days later the baby had gone to the correct family. I watched him in the basket next to another baby boy and an older girl. He was smiling. They were a family. When was mine coming back?

Days passed. Days turned to weeks. Weeks turned to months. But two months had gone and my birthday had arrived. I thought they'd be back now. Guess not. Is this how Lucy felt when we left her? I sadly get up, attach the brooch to my bag and slowly fly to the guild.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY!" Everyone cheers as I enter.
"THANK YOU EVERYONE!" I yell back, forcing a smile on my face. Everyone had got me something...but I only wanted one thing. I wanted my mum and dad back. Where were they?

Lucy p.o.v

"Hurry up Natsu!" I call back as we run. "We're going to be late!"
"And I thought you were the slow one!" He says mockingly. I turn around and kick him square in the chest and he falls back.
"DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME!" I yell. He chuckles, gets up and we continue running.

Time skip brought to you by lazy author-chan. Enjoy! :)

"How much fuuuurther?" I lazily say. Natsu was carrying me bridal style after I had fallen in a hole. It was a big hole! It was so big that my foot couldn't fit in......don't look at me like that.....
"Not much further." Natsu says as he ducks under a tree branch, head butting me.
"Ow." We both say. We go to rub our heads, only thing is....
"NATSU!" I yell. Now on the floor and covered in mud.
"Eh? Oh...sorry Luce..." he says, rubbing the back of his neck. He holds out his hand and I take it, being pulled up. "How's your leg?"
"I can walk." I respond. He grins at me and we continue walking. Hand in hand.

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