Chapter four

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat.
Happy: AYE SIR!
Me: let's start before things get too crazy.


Third person p.o.v

Something sparked within Lucy. She wasn't sure what it was, but she doesn't like it. Happy looks down at the floor, a strange feeling building up in the pit of his stomach. Lucy watched with anguish as Natsu and Lisanna laughed.
"We have to stop them!" Happy half yells. "You have to be my mum!"
"We can't." Lucy solemnly says.
"But lusheeeee!" Happy complains as he grabs Lucy's leg and holds her back.
"Sorry Happy." Lucy says as she pulls him off her leg. Tears roll down his face. "Maybe if things were different...but they're not." Lucy pets him on the head.
"But they could be!" Happy exclaims. "Please!"
"Sorry Happy." Lucy says and walks away.

Happy p.o.v

I watched as Lucy walked away. I looked back at Natsu, and something built up in my chest. A feeling I never thought I'd feel for him. Resentment.

No! Happy! You're being over dramatic. Just...I need help! The feeling soon disappears and I sigh with relief. I fly over to the guild as fast as my wings will carry me.

"MIRA!" I yell. Mira's good with this sort of thing. Mira turns to look at me and smiles.
"What is it Happy?" She asks as I land on the bar.
"I need help!" I say loudly.
"With what?" She asks.
"Natsu and Lushee need to get together so Lushee can be happy again because she's been off since this morning, and os she can be my new mum!" I say loudly. There's a glint in Mira's eye. A scary glint.
"You have come to the right person my friend." She says in a scary voice. "I'll have everything ready, just have them both meet under the cherry blossom at sundown, tonight."
"AYE SIR!" I yell as I fly out of the guild.

Lucy p.o.v

I had walked home and was now sitting in my bath. With bubbles. Yes I have bubble baths! I relax my head against the edge and close my eyes. The warm water covers my body as the bubbles engulf it. I sigh once before letting the darkness claim me.

"LUSHEE WAKE UP!" A loud screaming awakes me. Startled, I open my eyes and find Natsu and Happy peering at me.
"GAH!" I scream, desperately covering myself. "Can't a girl bathe in privacy!?"
"You were more slee-" Natsu starts.
"GET OUT!" I scream at them. They quickly run outside.

I sigh as I climb out of the bath. Idiots. Both of them. I wrap a towel around myself and tie my hair in a bun. I walk outside to see them looking through my underwear drawer.


Me: and done.
Mira: *evil laugh*
Natsu: I'm scared.
Happy: aye...
Lucy: we have plenty of reason to be.
Me: heheh..
Natsu, Lucy and Happy: EEP!
Me: everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeee!

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