Chapter twenty two

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Me: HELLO! And we-
Me: Mira you ruined it! (T.T)
Mira: sorry!
Happy: I think they already know the title...
Me: but it's tradition! (T.T)
Lucy: *comforts author-chan* there there, we can do it next time.
Me: it's not the same! (T.T)
Natsu: let's start!
Me: now everyone is stealing my line! (T.T)


Lucy p.o.v

Mira's squeals could be heard everywhere. She covered her mouth with a cloth to stop major damage happening. Levy danced around the room cheering 'Lu's finally grown up!' Everyone cheered happily and Happy...Happy tackled us once again.
"Happy birthday Happy." I whisper in his ear. He looks up at us.
"But why did you leave? You could've married here." He says.
"We didn't want to cause a lot of fuss...besides, we wanted to surprise you!" I say cheerfully.
"AYE SIR!" Natsu yells and begins fighting with Gray. He looks at home again.
"Come on, Happy, lets go fishing while we wait for everyone to calm down." I say.
"Aye!" He says as we get up and walk to the lake.

Happy determinedly throws his line into the lake once more. He hadn't had much luck today. He'd only caught a boot, a fishing net and a leaf.
"I've got something!" He says excitedly. I help him pull it out.
"It's a boot..." I say sweat dropping.
"It matches the other boot!" He says, finding the bright side. I giggle a little.
"Let's go see of the guild has calmed down." I say.
"Aye!" He cheers and we walk back.

"Was it pretty?" Happy asks. He'd been asking questions about my wedding.
"It was beautiful..." I say, blushing.
"What did he say during it?" He asks curiously.
"I'm not telling you!" I half yell.
"AAAH!" We head Natsu scream. Concern on our face, we look up and see Natsu running towards us. "Run!" He grabs us and runs away.
"NATSUUUUUU!" We hear Erza yell. Oh no...

"What did you do now!?" I yell/ask as he carries us.
"I didn't do anything!" He protests.
"He most probably ruined her cake..." Happy says as he struggles to hold on.
"I didn't!" He half yells.
"Well what happened?" I ask him.
"Run faster!" I yell as she gets closer.

We get to my house and lock the door. Natsu moves furniture in front of it. I close and lock the windows and Happy hides under my bed. Natsu grabs my hand and pulls me behind the sofa.
"This is a bad idea...." I whisper.
"You got a better one?" He asks.
"N-No...just...she's so scary...." I say shivering a little. Natsu pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead.
"It'll be ok." He says.

There's a loud crash and I jump slightly. Natsu gulps. I move closer to Natsu. There's a loud footstep. Then another. Then another.
"She's getting closer..." I whisper quietly. Footstep. Footstep. Footstep.
"There you are!" A sweet voice says. We look up and see...
"WENDY!?" We both exclaim. She giggles a little.
"Erza told me to come find you. She wants to talk to Natsu." She says, shivering a little. Uh oh.
"May as well get it over with." I say. Happy comes our from under the bed.
"WENDY!? WHEN DID YOU GET BACK!? WHERE'S CARLA!? I HAVEN'T SEEN HER IN AGES!" He says excitedly. I laugh a little at him.

We walk back to the guild where Erza was patiently waiting. Natsu gulps a little. We walk up to her.
"So, Natsu, mind answering my question?" She says in a menacing tone. "Why did you take Lucy?"
"U-Uhh b-Because I-I-" he stammers. I'll help him.
"Because, Erza, we went to get married, as you know. We wanted a private wedding as not to make a fuss." I say with too much confidence that I immediately regret. Erza glares at both of us for a minute.
"Natsu has finally grown up." She says and pulls Natsu into a hug, his head being forcefully rested in her chest. "And he didn't even need me to tell him how, I'm so proud of you."
"Great....can I....have some...air now?" Natsu struggles to say.
"Not yet, we must enjoy this brotherly-sisterly moment that we are saying. Then you can go and make me an aunt." My cheeks match Erza's hair.
"How do I do that?" He asks.
"Well yo-" Erza starts.
"Uh, I think it's best I tell him that Erza..." I say, blushing furiously.
"Very well." She says and releases Natsu.
"Luce?" He asks. "How do I make Erza an aunt?" I walk away and don't answer.


Me: I'm running out of la la *spinning around like a moron and looking slightly insane*
Mira: you could....
Me: I'm not doing that la la la.
Natsu: what about make Erza an a-
Me: that's the same thing la la la
Happy: you could make us fish
Me: la la la.
Lucy: how about-?
Me: LA! LA! LA!
Everyone else: *sweat drop and slightly concerned*
Me: anyway, everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeee!

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